Is it wrong to kill animals for food?

Is it wrong to kill animals for food?

If you accept that animals have rights, raising and killing animals for food is morally wrong. An animal raised for food is being used by others rather than being respected for itself. No matter how humanely an animal is treated in the process, raising and killing it for food remains morally wrong.

Why is eating plants not cruel?

Plant have ability to regenerate that lost part. Plant do not have nervous system so it can’t feel anything, so it’s not looks cruel to eat plant. But animals have sense they can feel, they can respond, and they can killed for food purpose. So it’s seems to be cruel.

Why is it important not to damage plants?

Plants in a holistic sense never do any damage to the environment. Out of place, plants are harmful as weeds especially invasive in forest, cropland and even wasteland ecosystems. Poisonous plants are not really poisonous as ‘poisonous nature’ is just adaptation for survival.

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Why is it a sin to kill animals?

Killing animals (except for food) is considered a sin by many cultures because doing so is often senseless. However, many cultures have no problem with killing animals for their feathers or fur or hide or for sport or as trophies.

Is it a sin to eat meat?

As such, eating meat is not a sin in most religions. I use the phrase “eating meat” instead of “killing animals” because most people who eat meat don’t, personally, kill any animals. It’s a minor difference but a difference nonetheless. The fact is that humans are omnivores: it’s in our DNA.

Is killing plants a sin according to Jainism?

Killing plants is also a minor sin and according to Jainism, that also brings bad karma to be suffered in future. However, since plant kingdom is believed to have only 1 sense – body/touch, the pain it goes through is much less than the animals that have 5 senses.

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Is it okay to kill plants and eat them?

Additionally, after eating food, we meditate and work for our progress on the path of spirituality. This further helps one-sensed living beings. Hence it is okay to kill and eat plants, and furthermore, it is considered to be a noble act.