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Is scanf necessary in C?

Is scanf necessary in C?

printf and scanf are two standard C programming language functions for input and output. Both are functions in the stdio library which means #include is required at the top of your file.

How can I get input without scanf?

3 Answers. There aren’t functions to read integers and floats but you can use fgets with strtol for integers and strtof for floats: // floats: char str_f[20]; float f; fgets (str_f, 20, stdin); f = strtof(str_f, NULL); // integers: char str_i[20]; int i; fgets(str_i, 20, stdin); i = strtol(str_i, NULL, 0);

Why you should not use scanf?

The problems with scanf are (at a minimum): using \%s to get a string from the user, which leads to the possibility that the string may be longer than your buffer, causing overflow. the possibility of a failed scan leaving your file pointer in an indeterminate location.

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What’s the difference between scanf and Getch?

The main difference between scanf and getchar is that scanf is a formatted way of reading input from the keyboard while getchar reads a single character from the keyboard.

Which function is used to read a single character and is alternate to scanf?

getchar() function
getchar() function can be used to read a single character. This function is alternate to scanf() function.

Why is scanf used?

In C programming, scanf() is one of the commonly used function to take input from the user. The scanf() function reads formatted input from the standard input such as keyboards.

Why does scanf need address?

scanf requires the addressOf operator (&) because it takes a pointer as an argument. Therefore in order to pass in a variable to be set to a passed in value you have to make a pointer out of the variable so that it can be changed.

What happens if we don’t use and in scanf?

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The program will compile successfully. It will print the number incorrectly but it will run till the end without crashing.

Is scanf safe in C?

Unlike a few standard functions in C, sscanf can be used safely. As doing pretty much anything in C requires care you might need to be more specific about your particular use case to get “safer” solutions to whatever problem you are considering.

What are some ANSI C options for converting input formats without scanf?

Since scanf is bad, what are some ANSI C options for converting input formats that scanf can usually handle (such as integers, floating-point numbers, and strings) without using scanf? The most common ways of reading input are: using fgetc, which may be useful if you’re only reading a single char.

How do I get user input when scanf() is not working?

When you cannot use scanf (), the only way to give user input to your program would be through command line arguments. The command line arguments are passed to a program while you execute it from the command line. These arguments will be received as an array of string in your main function.

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What’s wrong with scanf?

The main problem is that scanf was never intended to deal with user input. It’s intended to be used with “perfectly” formatted data. I quoted the word “perfectly” because it’s not completely true. But it is not designed to parse data that are as unreliable as user input.

What is the difference between scanf and fgets?

Instead of scanf (some_format,…), consider fgets () with sscanf (buffer, some_format_and \%n,…) By using ” \%n”, code can simply detect if all the format was successfully scanned and that no extra non-white-space junk was at the end.