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How do you display age and name in Python?

How do you display age and name in Python?

Write a simple Python program that asks a user to input their age and name and then return the text: “Hi my name is *NAME*, and I am *AGE* years old.” age = input(“Enter age: “)name = input(“Enter name: “)print(“Hi, my name is ” + name + “, and I am ” + age + ” years old.”)

How do you display in Python?

Use the disp. commands in Python™ to display custom forms and messages to the user….

  1. To let the user select one file, use disp. pickfile.
  2. To let the user select multiple files, use disp. pickmultfile.
  3. To let the user save a file with the file name and location they choose, use disp. picksavelocation.
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How do I print first name and last name in Python?

First we use split(). split the words into a list. Then traverse till the second last word and upper() function is used for print first character in capital and then add the last word which is title of a name and here we use title(),title function converts the first alphabet to capital.

How do I write my own Python program?

program, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Start menu and choose Python (command line). You should get a prompt that looks like >>>.
  2. At the prompt, type the following. Use a single quote at the start and the end — it’s beside the Enter key:
  3. Press the Enter key. Python runs the code you typed.

How do you write hello name in Python?

print(“\”Hi!\ “”) “Hi!” So Python prints everything inside the quote marks. So… if you want your string to be “hello [your name]” you need to put that inside the quotation marks to print it.

How do you print your name 5 times in Python?


  1. Here comes the program.
  2. Using loop. for i in range(5): print(“My name is abcd.”)
  3. Without using loop. print(“My name is abcd.\n”*5) When strings are multiplied with any number (n) , the new string formed becomes the original string repeated n times.
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How do you write a display function in Python?

The Syntax of print function is:

  1. print(EXPRESSION)
  2. Integer value is displayed using print() function.
  3. float value is displayed using print() function.
  4. float value in scientific notation is displayed using print() function.
  5. Boolean value True is displayed using print() function.

How do I print just the last name in Python?


  1. Break the first and last name apart using . split()
  2. Isolate the last name using a negative index.
  3. Create a new list of last names using . append()

How do you display input in Python?

In Python, Using the input() function, we take input from a user, and using the print() function, we display output on the screen. Using the input() function, users can give any information to the application in the strings or numbers format.

How to ask for the name in Python?

A simple program to ask for the name in Python NAME=str(input(“enter the name: “))

How to get the user name with a string in Python?

The hello () is a user-defined function used in this program and the function generated in a custom way. In this function, it is programmed to get the user name and to print the user name with a string “hello”.

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How do I make a Python program?

The least complex approach to make Python programs is to compose your code in a text editor (for example nano, vim, emacs, Midnight Commander, Leafpad, and so on.), save it, and afterward run it from the terminal with the command python .py. Some users like to utilize an integrated development environment (IDE) when creating code.

How to print a Python program in Windows OS?

You have recently made your first Python program in Windows OS. Click on Documents. Click on File and afterward New Folder. Call the folder MyPythonPrograms. You will store all class related projects there. Click on TextEdit on the menu bar and choose Preferences. Select Plain Text. print “Hi World!” From the File menu in TextEdit click on Save As.
