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How do I expand my coding portfolio?

How do I expand my coding portfolio?

Make a profile in job portals such as Indeed and Linkedin and showcase your experience and projects there. Build a personal website, try to post some blog posts regularly there, introduce your expertise and background and put references to all previous links there(social medias, wikis, freelancing sites, …)

What are good projects for a programming portfolio?

10 Coding Prompts for Your Portfolio.

  • Build an Intermittent Fasting App.
  • Make a News Aggregator.
  • Create an Online Store Using External APIs.
  • Create a Blog Using Your Own Database Schema.
  • Create a Wish List App UsingExternal APIs for Products.
  • Create an Advert Board.
  • Create a Reservation App With AI Features.
  • How can I improve my concentration in coding?

    7 Ways To Get Motivated About Coding When You Just Can’t Focus

    1. Use The Pomodoro Method.
    2. Practice Meditation And Mindfulness.
    3. Separate Your Code And Your Life.
    4. Listen To Music When You Work.
    5. Take A Walk.
    6. Put Your Computer In ‘Focus Mode’
    7. Bonus: Buy A Mechanical Keyboard.
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    Where can I make a coding portfolio?

    Some professionals create personal websites to house their portfolios and demonstrate their coding ability to employers. Others use coding sites like GitHub to house their portfolio, taking advantage of the built-in network of employers who also use the site.

    Do programmers need a portfolio?

    In a word: absolutely. A well-rounded programmer portfolio is a vital asset that can make all the difference when you’re competing with other hopefuls for a coveted role. Not only does a programmer portfolio website act as a showcase for your previous work samples, but the site itself is an example of what you can do!

    What can I build with coding?

    The Top 10 Programming Project Ideas for Beginners

    • 1) Build a Multi-Page Responsive Website.
    • 2) Redesign an Existing Website Template.
    • 3) Design a Small JavaScript Game.
    • 4) Create a Simple Application.
    • 5) Random Number Generator.
    • 6) Web Scraping Using Python.
    • 7) Build a Working Chess Game.

    What is a 10x developer?

    A 10x developer is generally defined as an individual who is naturally capable of being 10x times more productive than an average developer.

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    Where can I create a coding portfolio?

    Should you code your own portfolio website?

    Don’t code your portfolio! They’re easy to use, and usually free to design in (you’ll just pay for hosting). A lot of people are strong believers that your portfolio should be your best work, but I think that defies the point of a portfolio, which is to showcase your actual work.