What does Aristotle think the best life is?

What does Aristotle think the best life is?

According to Aristotle, the good life is the happy life, as he believes happiness is an end in itself. Rather, the good life for a person is the active life of functioning well in those ways that are essential and unique to humans.

What did Aristotle argue?

He argues that the human function is rational activity. Our good is therefore rational activity performed well, which Aristotle takes to mean in accordance with virtue. This argument has been criticized at almost every point. The way human beings do things is by making rational choices.

How should I live what would Aristotle say is the best way to answer this question do you agree with Aristotle’s answer?

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Aristotle’s best answer for how one should live was the concept of eudaimonia.

How does Aristotle argue that happiness is the ultimate end or good of human life?

“Happiness depends on ourselves.” More than anybody else, Aristotle enshrines happiness as a central purpose of human life and a goal in itself. Essentially, Aristotle argues that virtue is achieved by maintaining the Mean, which is the balance between two excesses.

What does Aristotle say about the good life reflection?

Reflection of Aristotle Aristotle believed that the goal of all human life is to achieve ultimate happiness. He is one of the greatest thinkers in the history of western philosophy. According to Aristotle human beings are innately social; so the good life can’t be that of a hermit, a recluse, or a misanthrope.

What does Aristotle say about the good life Quora?

Aristotle argues that what separates human beings from the other animals is the human reason. So the good life is one in which a person cultivates and exercises their rational faculties by, for instance, engaging in scientific inquiry, philosophical discussion, artistic creation, or legislation.

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What did Aristotle study?

Aristotle studied and made significant contributions to “logic, metaphysics, mathematics, physics, biology, botany, ethics, politics, agriculture, medicine, dance, and theatre.”

What is Aristotle’s definition of happiness quizlet?

By “happiness” Aristotle means a life of excellence or fulfillment, doing the distinctively human things well, not a life of feeling a certain way.

Do you agree with Aristotle’s claim that virtue is essential to the good life?

I completely agree with Aristotle’s claim that virtue is essential to the good life.

What did you learn from Aristotle’s belief that freedom is based on reason?

Freedom is a concept. We are bound by our morality, we know what is right or wrong, or at least we learn what our society deems to be right or wrong, but other than that, we have the ability to set forth our own rules over what we may do and think.

What is the best type of life according to Aristotle?

Life of contemplation – as per Aristotle’s argument. Aristotle takes the basic question on what type of life do human beings ought to lead and theorizes that a life of contemplation is the best answer.

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What is the greatest philosophy essay according to Aristotle?

Aristotles Claim That Contemplative Life Is The Greatest Philosophy Essay. According to Aristotle, since continuous activity is what provides continuous pleasure and fulfillment of life, he believes that the gods do not sleep, therefore allowing them to be in a constant state of contemplation.

How does Aristotle develop his argument for the existence of gods?

Aristotle develops his argument further by incorporating the life of the Gods’ in relation to his theory. He is careful in making sure that the gods are seen as beings that have reached fulfillment of life and ” above all other beings blessed and happy” (Aristotle, p.48).

Does Aristotle have an argument against the function of function?

This name is a bit misleading, however, since Aristotle didn’t think about function in the way we tend to these days, and he doesn’t so much give an argument as gesture in the direction of one. This is not to disregard his discussion, mind you, but rather to adjust our expectations going in.