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Did Palpatine replace Vader with Ezra?

Did Palpatine replace Vader with Ezra?

The Emperor would intend to replace Darth Vader with Ezra, which is nothing new. But, as we know, Darth Vader is around during the events of the Original Trilogy and Ezra is not, so something somewhere has to give. But, expect Emperor Palpatine to seek out Ezra, seducing him with the Dark Side of the Force.

What does Ezra hear in the world between worlds?

While walking through the World Between Worlds, Ezra hears the past (in the voices of Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker, Yoda, The Father, and The Daughter), the present (in the voices of Jyn Erso, Chirrut Îmwe, and Kanan Jarrus), and the future (in the voices of Leia Organa, Maz Kanata, Finn, Rey, Poe Dameron, and Kylo …

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Is Ezra Bridger related to the emperor?

In Rise of Skywalker we will discover that Ezra Bridger is in fact the Emperor.

Why did Palpatine want the Galaxy?

He want to rule the galaxy because he wants everyone to do what he says and unlike many people, he has the ability to do that. Would you not like every single country on the planet to do what you want. you could have anything you wanted. You could have the best health care.

Does Ezra hear KYLO Ren?

This alternate dimension connects all time and space together. He hears several voices that Star Wars fans will recognize, including Rey and Kylo Ren, both of whom wouldn’t even be born for several more years, and Yoda, among others. This World Between Worlds gives Ezra access to two recognizable moments from his past.

Is Reys voice in Rebels?

Rey (Star Wars)

Voiced by Daisy Ridley (Disney Infinity 3.0, Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Star Wars Forces of Destiny, Star Wars Battlefront II),; archive audio on Star Wars Rebels) Helen Sadler (Lego Star Wars: The Resistance Rises and Star Wars Battlefront II (beta version)) Jessica Barden (Robot Chicken)
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Why did Ezra go to the Dark Side?

On several occasions – such as when he’s tempted by the Grand Inquisitor or forces an Imperial walker driver to kill his own troops – Ezra surrendered to his sinister urges, albeit for good reasons. His negative trend escalated after his parents were killed, leading him to delve further into the dark side.

What did Palpatine do to Darth Vader after the Death Star?

Palpatine tasked cybernetics expert Dr. Cylo with engineering cyborg warriors to take over for his apprentice, if necessary. The destruction of the Death Star put Vader in the hot seat, and only his devious scheming and dark side moxie got him back in his Emperor’s good graces.

Did Palpatine have understudies?

Despite supposedly being an adherent to Darth Bane’s Sith “rule of two,” Palpatine often took on alternative understudies. His first recognized apprentice in Star Wars canon was Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace. After Maul’s apparent death, Sidious replaced him with disillusioned Jedi Count Dooku, dubbing him Darth Tyranus.

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Why does Palpatine hesitate to save Obi-Wan?

Matthew Stover’s Revenge of the Sith novelization includes a sequence where Palpatine hesitates to save his apprentice from a fiery demise on Mustafar for failing to defeat Obi-Wan Kenobi. He only rescinds the death sentence after realizing how much effort he put into shaping the Sith Lord.