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Who is Darius in the book of Zechariah?

Who is Darius in the book of Zechariah?

“Darius”: Darius son of Hystaspes, and the third Persian monarch:; not to be confused with Darius the Mede. “Zechariah”: The name means “one whom Jehovah remembers”: a common name, four others of the same name occurring in the Old Testament.

Who is Darius the son of Ahasuerus?

William Shea, a conservative scholar, comments that it would be strange to refer to Cyrus the Persian, son of Cambyses I, as Darius the Mede, son of Ahasuerus, and strange also to refer to the same king as Cyrus in some passages and Darius in others. Cambyses II. Cambyses was Cyrus’ son and his successor as emperor.

What is the difference between Cyrus and Darius?

Cyrus was a military genius, while darius was an administration genius he was very organized and had governors in every province and made large roads for communication. What methods and tools did Darius use to hold together his empire?

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Was King Darius a good king?

Darius was considered an excellent leader and brilliant administrator who strengthened Persia by letting those he conquered live on in peace. The pivotal Persian ruler Darius I (550–486 B.C.) came to power at age 28 and quickly proved himself a great military leader and an even greater administrator.

What is King Darius known for?

What is Darius the Great known for? Darius the Great was an Achaemenid ruler noted for his administrative genius, his great building projects, and his benevolence toward the diverse peoples under his sovereignty. His policies and building projects helped fortify his vast empire and enhance trade throughout.

Is Darius related to Cyrus?

Family. Darius was the son of Hystaspes and the grandson of Arsames. Darius married Atossa, daughter of Cyrus, with whom he had four sons: Xerxes, Achaemenes, Masistes and Hystaspes. He also married Artystone, another daughter of Cyrus, with whom he had two sons, Arsames and Gobryas.

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Who gave Darius his scar?

Darius struggled to provide for them both, constantly fighting with gangs of older urchins and anyone else who threatened his little brother—even the city guard. Every day on the streets was a battle for survival, and Darius earned more scars by his twelfth summer than some soldiers do in a lifetime.

What Darius means?

The ancient Persian form of the name was Darayavahush, meaning ‘possessor’, from daraya(miy) ‘possess’, ‘maintain’ + vahu ‘good’, ‘well’. This became accepted as a Christian name in medieval Europe in honor of a saint martyred at Nicaea at an uncertain date.

Who was Darius in the Bible?

It is also clear that Daniel regards Darius as one who “received the kingdom” (Daniel 5:31), and who “was made king” (Daniel 9:1). If the word Darius means “a maintainor,” all that is mentioned in this chapter amounts to no more than the statement that a Median governor took the kingdom.”

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How is king Darius presented in the Book of Ezra?

Darius I is presented in Ezra as a good king who helped the Israelites in several ways. Prior to Darius’s reign, the Jews who had returned from the Babylonian Captivity had begun rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem.

Was Darius the Mede in Daniel 9?

Finally, the vision of Daniel 9 is also said to take place in “the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, by descent a Mede.” The identity of Darius has boggled many Bible interpreters because we have no record of a Darius ruling during this time. Who was Darius the Mede?

Did king Darius the Mede really exist?

Their chief quarrel is with the historicity of Darius the Mede, the king who befriended Daniel and sought unsuccessfully to\ keep him from being thrown to the lions. Because it\ was Cyrus II who conquered Babylon in 539 B.C., some claim Darius never existed or was confused with Darius I, who ruled many years later.