
What are the examples of agricultural practices?

What are the examples of agricultural practices?

Agriculture & Agricultural Practices

  • Soil preparation. Before raising a crop, the soil in which it is to be grown is prepared by ploughing, levelling, and manuring.
  • Sowing. Selection of seeds of good quality crop strains is the primary stage of sowing.
  • Manuring.
  • Irrigation.
  • Weeding.
  • Harvesting.
  • Storage.

What are 5 agricultural practices?

Ans: Crop rotation, Mixed cropping, Relay cropping, Two-cropping agriculture, Multi-cropping agriculture, etc., are the few types of agricultural practices.

What are the 7 types of agricultural practices?


  • Pastoral Farming.
  • Arable Farming.
  • Mixed Farming.
  • Taungya Farming.
  • Fish Farming.
  • Livestock Farming.
  • Shifting Cultivation.
  • Land Rotation/Bush Fallowing.

What are the three types of agricultural practices?

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Top 11 Types of Agricultural Practices Arable Farming. Shifting Agriculture. Mixed Farming. Nomadic Agriculture.

What are agricultural practices for Class 8?

Agricultural practices

  • Preparation of soil.
  • Sowing.
  • Adding manure and fertilizers.
  • Irrigation.
  • Protecting from weeds.
  • Harvesting.
  • Storage.

What is a farming practice?

Good Farming Practices: “The production methods utilized to produce the insured crop and allow it to make normal progress toward maturity and produce at least the yield used to determine the production guarantee or amount of insurance, including any adjustments for late planted acreage, which are: (1) for conventional …

How many types of agriculture practices are there?

Note:At present, there are eight types of agricultural practices followed in India.

How many types of agricultural practices are there?

What are agricultural practices Class 8?

Hint: Agricultural practices contain activities related to the growth and harvesting of plants. Proper nourishment of plants is ensured to have a good yield. Complete Answer: These activities include sowing, increasing fertility of the soil, cutting of weed plants, moving of crops when they grow big, and harvesting.

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What are the different agricultural practices in the Philippines?

Major agricultural systems include lowland irrigated farming, rainfed farming and upland farming. Irrigated farm areas mainly grow rice and sugarcane whereas rainfed areas are planted with coconut, corn and cassava.

What is agricultural practices Class 8 very short answer?

Agricultural Practices: All activities which farmers do for the cultivation of plants are called agricultural practices. For doing various activities, a farmer needs different types of tools.

What are traditional agricultural practices?

Agroforestry, intercropping, crop rotation, cover cropping, traditional organic composting and integrated crop-animal farming are prominent traditional agricultural practices.