
What is the purpose of figure command?

What is the purpose of figure command?

What is the purpose of the figure command? Explanation: The figure command simply opens a separate blank window where new graphs are about to be plotted. It does not contain any axes or grid unless mentioned.

What is a figure handle MATLAB?

A handle refers to a specific instance of a graphics object. Use the object handle to set and query the values of the object properties. When you create graphics objects, you can save the handle to the object in a variable. Use the handle h to query and set the properties of this text object.

How do you calculate figures in MATLAB?

To get the handle of the current figure without forcing the creation of a figure if one does not exist, query the CurrentFigure property on the root object. fig = get(groot,’CurrentFigure’); MATLAB® returns fig as an empty array if there is no current figure.

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How do I view a figure in MATLAB?

To display values for a data point, drag the cross hairs to a specific point on the figure or move the figure by zooming and panning. The application retrieves the values and displays them.

What does hold on do in MATLAB?

hold on retains plots in the current axes so that new plots added to the axes do not delete existing plots. hold off sets the hold state to off so that new plots added to the axes clear existing plots and reset all axes properties.

How do you clear a figure in MATLAB?

Clear Current Figure Create a line plot. Then, set the background color of the current figure. Clear the figure using a call to clf . The function call deletes the plot.

What does Groot mean in MATLAB?

groot refers to the graphics root object. Use groot to access root properties. For a list of properties, see Root Properties.

How do you name a figure in MATLAB?

Specify Figure Title Create a figure, and specify the Name property. By default, the resulting title includes the figure number. figure(‘Name’,’Measured Data’); Specify the Name property again, but this time, set the NumberTitle property to ‘off’ .

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How do you bring a figure to the front in MATLAB?

The only way to bring the figures to the front is to use the Window menu on on the MATLAB Desktop or the FIGURE function.

What does grid on do in MATLAB?

grid on displays the major grid lines for the current axes returned by the gca command. Major grid lines extend from each tick mark. example. grid off removes all grid lines from the current axes or chart. grid toggles the visibility of the major grid lines.

What does set do in MATLAB?

set(H,S) specifies multiple property values using S , where S is a structure whose field names are the object property names and whose field values are the corresponding property values. MATLAB® ignores empty structures.

What command would you use to clear a figure?

Description. clf deletes all children of the current figure that have visible handles.

What are the basic commands in MATLAB?

MATLAB is an interactive program for numerical computation and data visualization. You can enter a command by typing it at the MATLAB prompt ‘>>’ on the Command Window. MATLAB provides various useful commands for working with the system, like saving the current work in the workspace as a file and loading the file later.

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How to create a plot in MATLAB?

Define x,by specifying the range of values for the variable x,for which the function is to be plotted

  • Define the function,y = f (x)
  • Call the plot command,as plot (x,y)
  • How do I create a graph in MATLAB?

    Steps Know a few things about MATLAB. Open MATLAB. Create a new Function file. Set up your Function file. Set up your data. Now set up your graph. Make sure the final line in your function file is “end” and save your file. Execute the function. View the results.

    How do you plot in MATLAB?

    Most Matlab plot functions simply plot a pair of vectors as X and Y coordinates. You can assemble those vectors in any fashion you want, including by concatenating vectors representing different functions over different ranges, such as the ranges and functions comprising a piecewise function.