
Which University in Austria teaches in English?

Which University in Austria teaches in English?

The best English-taught universities in Austria Vienna University of Technology. Graz University of Technology. University of Innsbruck. Johannes Kepler University Linz.

Does universities in Austria teach in English?

There are over 200 English-taught programmes in Austria. Universities in Austria will want to see proof that you have good English-language skills, so that you can easily succeed in their courses. Almost all Austrian universities accept these official English exams: PTE Academic.

Do universities in Vienna teach in English?

The main language of instruction at Austrian universities and UAS is German; some programmes are taught in English, see: www.studienwahl.at/en. In order to be admitted to a degree programme, you have to prove sufficient knowledge of German.

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How can international students study in Austria?

What are the requirements of studying in Austria? Undergraduate students need a high school certificate equivalent to the Austrian Matura exam certification. As for graduate applicants, a bachelor’s degree in a related field is necessary. Sufficient German knowledge is required as well.

How is Austria for international students?

Austria is a great place for future international students like you. It has very affordable tuition fees when compared to other popular study destinations, like the US, UK, or Australia. The quality of life is very high and the country has a low crime rate.

Do I have to speak German to study in Austria?

The majority of degree programmes in Austria are taught in German so, in most cases, if you want to study in Austria, you need to prove that you have sufficient knowledge of the German language. The level classified as ‘sufficient knowledge’ varies depending on the institution.

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What language is spoke in Austria?

Austria/Official languages
German is the official language of Austria and an important prerequisite for participating in the working, economic and social life of the country. Croatian, Slovenian and Hungarian are recognised as official languages of autonomous population groups in some regions.

Which country is best for English literature?

The 6 Best Countries to Study English Lit Abroad

  • England. England is obviously a great choice as a study abroad destination for English majors.
  • Ireland.
  • Australia.
  • New Zealand.
  • India.
  • The Caribbean.

Do most European universities teach in English?

In contemporary times, many universities around Europe offer a select number of their programs and classes entirely in English! Indeed, European universities are a perfectly viable and best-fit destination for English-speaking student’s entire graduate or postgraduate study.

Which universities in Austria offer Business Administration degrees in English?

Vienna University of Economics and Business has seven different programs in English for the bachelor degree holders in business administration. These programs include quantitative finance and supply chain management. The University of Innsbruck opens the door for those who are willing to study master in applied economics and banking and finance.

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Why study English at the University of Vienna?

For those who are willing to pursue studies in foreign languages, the University of Vienna offers a program in English and American studies. There are many disciplines taught in English in the bachelor degree, such as the electrical engineering and international economy.

Which disciplines are studied in English in Austria?

Furthermore, different disciplines are studied in English in the Austrian universities, including the following: If you are interested in studying business administration in English, the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria is your destination. It offers an opportunity for the student to study global sales and marketing.

Why study English at uffh Salzburg?

FH Salzburg is one of the universities that offer many study disciplines in English. Its bachelor degree aims to achieve professional qualification and acquiring social skills. The study extends to three years. Moreover, the master program expands both of knowledge and skills.