
What is a hyperfine structure in physics?

What is a hyperfine structure in physics?

hyperfine structure (HFS), in spectroscopy, the splitting of a spectral line into a number of components. The splitting is caused by nuclear effects and cannot be observed in an ordinary spectroscope without the aid of an optical device called an interferometer.

What is fine structure and hyperfine structure?

Fine structure describes the splitting of the spectral lines of atoms due to electron spin and relativistic corrections to the non-relativistic Schrödinger equation. The hyperfine structure is caused by interaction between magnetic field (from electron movement) and nuclear spin.

What is meant by hyperfine interaction?

3.11. 1.4 HFI mechanism. Hyperfine interaction (HFI), i.e., interaction of electrons with nuclear spins, yields more optimistic estimates. For example, when one of the radicals has nuclei with a magnetic moment, radical spins precess in markedly different MFs.

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How nuclear magnetism generates hyperfine splitting?

Magnetic hyperfine splitting, also known as Zeeman effect, arises from the interaction between the nuclear magnetic dipole moment and the magnetic field at the nucleus. If the change of the orientation of spin is fast relative to the lifetime of the excited nucleus, the paramagnetic hyperfine structure vanishes.

What is the cause of hyperfine structure in rotational spectra?

In atoms, hyperfine structure arises from the energy of the nuclear magnetic dipole moment interacting with the magnetic field generated by the electrons and the energy of the nuclear electric quadrupole moment in the electric field gradient due to the distribution of charge within the atom. …

What is hyperfine constant?

The hyperfine coupling constant (a) is directly related to the distance between peaks in a spectrum and its magnitude indicates the extent of delocalization of the unpaired electron over the molecule. This constant may also be calculated.

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What are the reasons for hyperfine structure in an atom?

In atoms, hyperfine structure arises from the energy of the nuclear magnetic dipole moment interacting with the magnetic field generated by the electrons and the energy of the nuclear electric quadrupole moment in the electric field gradient due to the distribution of charge within the atom.

What do you understand by fine structure of spectral line?

fine structure, in spectroscopy, the splitting of the main spectral lines of an atom into two or more components, each representing a slightly different wavelength. Fine structure is produced when an atom emits light in making the transition from one energy state to another.

What is hyperfine levels of the ground state?

In atomic physics , hyperfine structure refers to small shifts and splittings in the energy levels of atoms , molecules , and ions , due to the interaction between the state of the nucleus and the state of the electron clouds.

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Which effect is responsible for hyperfine splitting?

The hyperfine structure is mainly observed during the Zeeman effect, which explains particularly the splitting of energy levels or the spectral lines in the presence of external magnetic fields. The splitting of energy levels in the Zeeman effect is directly proportional to the applied magnetic field.

What is the number of hyperfine line for Mn 2 i 5’2 high spin radicals?

A dominant Mn2+ spectrum consisting of six lines of hyperfine structure (see Fig.

What is the hyperfine level of atom?

In atomic physics, hyperfine structure is defined by small shifts in otherwise degenerate energy levels and the resulting splittings in those energy levels of atoms, molecules, and ions, due to interaction between the nucleus and electron clouds.