
What rights do you have in North Korea?

What rights do you have in North Korea?

Civil liberties

  • Labor rights.
  • Freedom of expression.
  • Freedom of religion.
  • Freedom of movement.
  • Freedom of the press.
  • Minority rights.
  • Disability rights.
  • Right to food.

Is there Internet in North Korea?

Internet access is not generally available in North Korea. Only some high-level officials are allowed to access the global internet. In most universities, a small number of strictly monitored computers are provided. Other citizens may get access only to the country’s national intranet, called Kwangmyong.

Is there a KFC in North Korea?

Chicken Specialised Restaurant is Pyongyang’s first restaurant to serve deep-fried and crispy chicken. Combined with the rather literal official name, to many foreigners, this restaurant has become known simply as ‘KFC’.

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Does North Korea have iPhones?

In 2011, 60\% of Pyongyang’s citizens between the age of 20 and 50 had a cellphone. On June 15, 2011, confirmed that some North Koreans use Apple’s iPhones, as well as Nokia’s and Samsung’s smartphones. A survey in 2017 found that 69\% of households had a mobile phone.

Do people in North Korea have phones?

North Korea has an adequate telephone system, with 1.18 million fixed lines available in 2008. However, most phones are only installed for senior government officials. Someone wanting a phone installed must fill out a form indicating their rank, why they want a phone, and how they will pay for it.

What is the political system in North Korea?

Once every five years North Koreans can vote to elect a (rubber stamp) legislature, the Supreme People’s Assembly. They also elect representatives to city, county, and provincial “people’s assemblies”.

How does North Korea’s Parliament work?

In this way the population (everyone over 17 is obliged to vote) endorses the 687 deputies in the SPA, a body that, in any case, is merely a rubber-stamp parliament that is rarely convened. In practice the supreme leader, Kim Jong Un, calls the shots, supported by the Presidium, a smaller group of senior officials.

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How powerful is North Korea’s Supreme People’s Assembly?

The Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) is a rubber-stamp body with no power. Elected every five years, the parliament is the only legislative body North Korea has. “I know that international media often hedge their reporting a bit, saying the SPA has ‘little’ power or influence – but that’s not correct. It has zero,” said Mr Tertitskiy.

Who is North Korea’s Kim Jong un?

Kim Jong-un has been North Korea’s supreme leader since his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in 2011. This weekend’s elections will instruct voters from 687 constituencies to select representative deputies, who will serve on the Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) — the country’s main legislative body — for the next five years.