
Who were the strongest warrior groups in history?

Who were the strongest warrior groups in history?

Top 10 Greatest Warrior Groups in History

  • Kamikaze Pilots (October 1944–15 August 1945)
  • 6 Rare and Unique Eye Colors.
  • Gurkhas (1815 AD–Present)
  • Ninjas (12th Century AD–1868 AD)
  • The Spartans (6th Century BC–4th Century BC)
  • British SAS (1 July 1941–Present)
  • Maori Warriors (1280 AD–1872 AD)
  • Mongol Warriors (1206 AD–1687 AD)

Who is the most powerful warrior in history?

Here are 7 of the greatest warriors that the world has ever seen.

  1. ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Known as one of the greatest warriors ever, Alexander the Great was a renowned king too in an ancient Greek town.
  3. ASHOKA.

Who are the most badass people in the military?

The 20 Most Badass Soldiers Of All Time

  • 8 Audie Murphy.
  • 7 Robert S Scott.
  • 6 Lyudmila Pavlichenko.
  • 5 Jack Churchill.
  • 4 Simo Hayha.
  • 3 Alvin York.
  • 2 Matt L. Urban.
  • 1 Benjamin F. Wilson.

Which warrior killed the most?

1st Class Dillard Johnson — makes a meal of one of dictator Saddam Hussein’s armored Mercedes-Benzes during the Iraq war. With 2,746 confirmed kills, Sgt. 1st Class Dillard Johnson is the deadliest American soldier on record — and maybe the most humble.

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Who is the best ancient warrior?

These fourteen greatest ancient warriors decimated their enemies, fought off invaders, and helped build empires.

  • 1) Alaric the Barbarian. Period: 395 to 410 CE.
  • 2) Olympias. Period: c.
  • 3) Khutulun. Period: 1260 to 1306 CE.
  • 4) William Wallace. Period: 1297 to 1305 CE.
  • 5) Teuta.
  • 6) Vercingetorix.
  • 7) Boudicca.
  • 8) Horatius Cocles.

Who is the greatest soldier?

Audie Leon Murphy (20 June 1925 – 28 May 1971) was an American soldier, actor, songwriter, and rancher. He was one of the most decorated American combat soldiers of World War II….

Audie Murphy
Birth name Audie Leon Murphy
Born 20 June 1925 Kingston, Texas, U.S.

Who are the toughest soldiers in the world?

10 lethal special operations units from around the world

  • China’s Snow Leopard Commando Unit.
  • Britain’s Special Boat Service.
  • Polish GROM.
  • The Special Services Group in Pakistan.
  • Delta Force.
  • France’s National Gendarmerie Intervention Group.
  • Spain’s Special Naval Warfare Force.
  • Russian Spetsnaz.
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Who was the best army in history?

9 Strongest Armies Of All Times, Across History

  • The Achaemenid Empire.
  • The Spartan City-State.
  • The Mauryan Army.
  • The Romans.
  • The Mongols.
  • The British Empire.
  • Soviet Ground Forces at the end of World War II.
  • The Armed Forces of the United States of America – Present Day. The sheer power of the US is unfathomable.

Who is the toughest person in history?

Athlete, speaker and soldier David Goggins is known as the toughest man on the planet. Everybody thinks he’s Superman but his internal battle was tearing him apart.