
Can you be fit and healthy with diabetes?

Can you be fit and healthy with diabetes?

You don’t have to be overweight or obese to get type 2 diabetes. In fact, you can have high blood sugar even if you look thin. Around 10\% to 15\% of people with type 2 diabetes are at a healthy weight. It’s called lean diabetes.

Does diabetes make it hard to exercise?

“Fatigue is common among people with diabetes, which can make it difficult to work up the motivation and energy to stay physically active,” explains Dr. Emily Schroeder, an endocrinologist with Kaiser Permanente in Denver. However, exercise is a crucial part of diabetes management.

How does diabetes affect day to day life?

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If blood glucose stays high for too long, diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves over time, causing chronic problems and premature death.

Can you be skinny and have type 1 diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is seen most often in children and young adults, although the disease can occur at any age. People with Type 1 disease are often thin to normal weight and often lose weight prior to diagnosis.

How can a diabetic get fit?

Stay fit safely: 4 tips for people with diabetes

  1. Get a “preflight” check. Talk with your doctor before you start or change a fitness routine.
  2. Spread your activity throughout the week.
  3. Time your exercise wisely.
  4. Be prepared.

What is the life expectancy of a diabetic?

The combined diabetic life expectancy is 74.64 years—comparable to the life expectancy in the general population.

Is diabetes hard to live with?

Yes, odds are good that you can live a long, healthy life with diabetes, but only if you are working to control it now, not sometime later. So see your doctor regularly, take all of your medications, stay active, and learn more about the foods you eat. For your health, get involved in your own diabetes care.

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Does type 2 diabetes get worse with age?

Your risk of developing type 2 diabetes increases with age. This may be because people tend to gain weight and exercise less as they get older. Maintaining a healthy weight by eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly are ways of preventing and managing diabetes.

How can I be physically active safely if I have diabetes?

How can I be physically active safely if I have diabetes? 1 Plan ahead. Talk with your health care team before you start a new physical activity routine,… 2 Prevent low blood glucose. Because physical activity lowers your blood glucose,… 3 Take care of your feet. People with diabetes may have problems with their feet because…

How can I Manage my diabetes on a daily basis?

Working closely with your doctor, you can manage your diabetes by focusing on six key changes in your daily life. 1. Eat healthy. This is crucial when you have diabetes, because what you eat affects your blood sugar. No foods are strictly off-limits. Focus on eating only as much as your body needs.

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Do people with diabetes need to eat at the same time?

Some people with diabetes need to eat at about the same time each day. Others can be more flexible with the timing of their meals. Depending on your diabetes medicines or type of insulin, you may need to eat the same amount of carbohydrates at the same time each day.

How much exercise do I need to control my diabetes?

Your goal should be 30 minutes of activity that makes you sweat and breathe a little harder most days of the week. An active lifestyle helps you control your diabetes by bringing down your blood sugar. It also lowers your chances of getting heart disease. Plus, it can help you lose extra pounds and ease stress.