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Is Objective-C hard to learn?

Is Objective-C hard to learn?

Personally I never found Objective-C itself hard. Compared to C++, it was much easier. But if you have no programming experience at all, it’s going to be hard, but then again, so is any other language. Better off not to ask and to just dive in.

How long does it take to learn Objective-C?

It’s simple and quite good. If you read 2-3 hours daily (which is what I did), you’ll get the syntax and a general overview of the language within two-three weeks. And another two weeks for a deeper understanding and knowledge of the foundation framework.

Can I learn Objective-C?

So yes, you too can learn Objective-C without learning C first. If you’re ready to get started, I’d recommend picking up a copy of Objective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide. Then start building a simple iOS app – and you’ll be competent in Objective-C before you know it.

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Should I learn C or Objective-C first?

It’s a good idea to learn C before learning Objective-C, which is a strict superset of C. This means that Objective-C can support all normal C code, so the code common to C programs is bound to show up even in Objective-C code.

Is C++ harder than Objective-C?

You can achieve essentially the same things in either language, but in my opinion the C++ syntax is simpler while some of Objective-C’s features make certain tasks (such as GUI design) easier thanks to dynamic dispatch.

Is Objective-C better than Swift?

Apple claims Swift to be 2.6 times faster than Objective-C. To optimize memory management Swift employs ARC (Automatic Reference Counting). Moreover, Swift supports Dynamic libraries which boost application performance as well. Swift wins, and its advantage over Objective-C will grow.

Is Xcode easy to learn?

XCode is pretty easy…if you already know how to program. It is kind of like asking “how hard is it to learn a ford car?”, well it is easy if you already know how to drive some other car. Like hop in and drive. It is all the difficulty of learning to drive if you don’t.

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Is Objective-C harder than Swift?

Objective-C is older and currently more popular. It’s a little bit more difficult to learn, but the majority of developers out there know how to use it. Swift is still new, but it’s making progress fast. It’s perceived as a safer option compared to Objective-C, and it’s easier to learn.

Should I learn Xcode?

Xcode is a great integrated development environment (IDE), complete with everything you need for iOS development. The Swift playground built into Xcode makes it easier for beginners learning Swift or development in general. The fundamentals of Swift and programming are often taught in playground tutorials.