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Was Eric Clapton jealous of Jimi Hendrix?

Was Eric Clapton jealous of Jimi Hendrix?

Eric Clapton and Jimi Hendrix were good friends and in interview with Rolling Stone in 1968 he revealed his opinion about the American guitarist.

Did the Rolling Stones know Jimi Hendrix?

Yes, Jimi, that would be fantastic, thank you. ‘ So he said, ‘Meet me backstage. The iconic producer continues: “This is how the whole thing comes about – we met up backstage, we go up in the elevator, everybody knows everybody, of course, The Stones and Jimi are all friends, and it was just wonderful.

What was Jimi Hendrixs IQ?

So I recently searched for IQs of some musicians, and was impressed. It seemed that Jim Morrison had 149 IQ, Jimi Hendrix is thought to have around 140-ish IQ, John Lennon same way 140ish, Brian May completed PhD on astrophysics (which I assume requires some intelligence) and so on…

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Did Jimi Hendrix restring his left hand?

Jimi took right-handed guitars and restrung them for playing left-handed. Once he started making modifications that allowed him to play left-handed with the strings in the proper order, he still had to play right-handed when his father was around, so Jimi also learned to play right-handed with the strings upside down.

Who is considered the number one guitarist in the world?

Overwhelmingly, we found Jimi Hendrix in the number one spot with Eric Clapton and Jimmy Page often locked in a wrestling match for second ranking. Remarkably, among the 33 guitarists mentioned in the top ten places across these lists, not one was a woman.

What did Keith Richards think of Jimi Hendrix?

“Jimi Hendrix, bless his heart … almost inadvertently ruined [the] guitar,” Richards told The San Diego Union-Tribune. “Because he was the only cat who could do it like that. Everybody else just screwed it up, and thought wailing away [on the guitar] is the answer.

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Did Keith Richards like Jimi Hendrix?

Like his fellow Rolling Stone Jagger, Keith Richards had quite a bit to say about Hendrix. While Jagger focused on Hendrix’s personal demons in the aforementioned Rolling Stone interview, Richards focused on Hendrix’s musical prowess.