
Is Redux outdated?

Is Redux outdated?

Yes, Redux is still popular. There are many alternatives, though I won’t claim one is necessarily better. Redux is a way for an app to manage complex states. In React, components have their own state, but they don’t have an easy way to access another components’ state (by design).

Do you even need Redux?

For beginners, it’s an obvious choice to opt for Redux. Yet, you don’t always need Redux to manage the state of your application. Applications that consist of mostly simple UI changes most often don’t require a complicated pattern like Redux.

Does Context API replace Redux?

Sometimes Redux is overkill for simple applications, even with Redux Toolkit. Context, on the other hand, is not a replacement for Redux.

Why is Redux so bad?

What I Hate About Redux. If you use redux to develop your application, even small changes in functionality require you to write excessive amounts of code. This goes against the direct-mapping principle, which states that small functional changes should result in small code changes.

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Is Redux an overkill?

Redux and MobX are overkill. You basically get something like the “connect” from Redux, without the rest Redux would require. If you somehow end up with an app that fits in the 1\% who need fully predictable control over their global state, go for Redux.

Does Facebook use Redux?

Actually Facebook doesn’t use Redux “at scale”, it uses Flux 🙂 Still Facebook uses Flux?

Does React useReducer replace Redux?

With the context API and hooks (to be more specific useContext and useReducer) we can pretty easily replace basic Redux with tools that are already built-in react. While doing it we can still operate on concepts we already know, like actions, state or reduce function.

Is context better than Redux?

Context API is easy to is use as it has a short learning curve. It requires less code, and because there’s no need of extra libraries, bundle sizes are reduced. Redux on the other hand requires adding more libraries to the application bundle. The syntax is complex and extensive creating unnecessary work and complexity.