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What are two differences between phylum Platyhelminthes and the phylum Nematoda?

What are two differences between phylum Platyhelminthes and the phylum Nematoda?

Nematodes are pseudocoelomates, while Platyhelminthes are acoelomates. Species of nematodes are higher than that of Platyhelminthes. Platyhelminthes have an incomplete gut whereas nematodes have a complete one. Unlike in nematodes, Platyhelminthes have flame cells to do the excretory functions.

What is the main difference between flatworms Platyhelminthes and roundworms Nematoda )?

A flatworm has a thin, dorsoventrally flattened body. Roundworms are more cylindrical in shape and tapered to a fine point at one end. Similarly, roundworms have a rigid outer covering called a cuticle that they shed repeatedly throughout their lives and as they grow.

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What is the difference between Platyhelminthes and helminths?

Helminth is a general term for a parasitic worm. The helminths include the Platyhelminthes or flatworms (flukes and tapeworms) and the Nematoda or roundworms.

What are the main differences between the Cnidaria and the Platyhelminthes phyla?

Cnidarians are diploblastic, whereas Platyhelminthes are triploblastic. Platyhelminthes possess bilaterally symmetrical, soft, worm-like elongated bodies, whereas cnidarian possess radially symmetrical, soft, medusa-like or polyp-like body forms. Cephalization is present in Platyhelminthes, but not in cnidarians.

What are the difference between flatworms and roundworms?

Hint: The flatworms belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes and around 80\% of flatworms are parasitic in nature….What is the difference between flatworms and roundworms?

Flatworms Roundworms
They do not have a body cavity and thus are acoelomates. They are pseudocoelomates i.e. they have a body cavity between their mesoderm and endoderm layers.

What is more complex cnidarian or nematode?

Flatworms (phylum Platyhelminthes) are simple animals that are slightly more complex than a cnidarian. Roundworms (phylum Nematoda) have a slightly more complex body plan.

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What are the differences between flatworms and roundworms?

Note: Both flatworms and roundworms can be parasitic or free living….What is the difference between flatworms and roundworms?

Flatworms Roundworms
They do not have a body cavity and thus are acoelomates. They are pseudocoelomates i.e. they have a body cavity between their mesoderm and endoderm layers.

What are the key differences between the phylum to which flatworms and roundworms belong?

The main differencebetween flatworms and roundworms is that flatworms consist of a dorso-ventrally flattened body whereas roundworms consist of a cylindrical body tapered to a fine point at each end. Both roundworms and tapeworms are triploblastic animals with bilateral symmetry.

What are the characteristics of Nematoda?

Characteristics of Nematoda

  • Their body is bilaterally symmetrical and triploblastic.
  • They are cylindrical in shape.
  • They exhibit tissue level organization.
  • Their body has a cavity or pseudocoelom.
  • The alimentary canal is distinct, with the mouth and the anus.
  • They are sexually dimorphic.
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What is the difference between nematodes and trematodes?

Nematodes have a simple body form, often referred to as a “tube within a tube,” with a simple digestive system that extends from the mouth at one end to the anus at the other. Trematodes have flat, unsegmented bodies usually shaped like a leaf or an oval.

Are roundworms cnidaria?

Cnidaria (jellyfish and corals) have tissue-level organization and radial symmetry. Platyhelminthes (flatworms) have a mesoderm cell layer, simple organ systems, cephalization, and bilateral symmetry. Nematoda (roundworms) have a pseudocoelom and hydrostatic skeleton.

Do nematoda have true tissues?

Unlike flatworms, nematodes are slender, and they are covered by a protective cuticle. Although nematodes do have a space in the body between the digestive tract and the body wall, it is not lined with tissue and is not considered to be a true coelom. Thus, nematodes are sometimes referred to as pseudocoelomates (Fig.