
Why was God going to kill Moses in the Bible?

Why was God going to kill Moses in the Bible?

In summary, God was going to kill Moses because Moses was supposed to teach the Israelites God’s Law, yet Moses was not obeying God’s Law himself. Why was God going to kill Moses in Exodus 4:24-26?

What was the sin of Moses in Exodus 4?

The sin of Moses in Exodus 4:24-26 is not stated explicitly, but the surrounding events give substantial clues as to the nature of Moses’ transgression. God had instructed his messenger to warn pharaoh to free Israel or pharaoh would lose his firstborn son (Exodus 4:21-24).

Why did God send Moses to Egypt to free Israel?

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God had instructed his messenger to warn pharaoh to free Israel or pharaoh would lose his firstborn son (Exodus 4:21-24). Moses had been specially groomed by God for eighty years for this mission, and now the time for action had come.

Did God appear to Moses in a threatening manner?

But the scripture indicates that the Lord appeared to Moses in a threatening manner, as if he intended to kill him. The mark of circumcision was not just a physical sign to the Hebrews but a spiritual sign of accepting a covenant made with the Lord.

Why did God choose Joshua to take the place of Moses?

When Moses died, God chose Joshua to take his place. For as Moses was the best man capable to stand before Pharaoh, Joshua was the best man fit to stand before the Canaanites. God chose Joshua for the following reasons:

What was Moses’ mission in the Bible?

Moses had been specially groomed by God for eighty years for this mission, and now the time for action had come. Moses was to lead his people out of Egypt and to be an example to pharaoh’s house, to the nation of Egypt, and to all the nations that heard of those happenings ( Exodus 18:10-11; Joshua 2:10-11 ).

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Why did God choose Joshua to fight with Amalek?

God chose Joshua for the following reasons: (1) Joshua was a faithful and obedient man. And Moses said to Joshua, “Choose us some men and go out, fight with Amalek. Tomorrow I will stand on the top of the hill with the rod of God in my hand.