
Why Draupadi is an inspiration?

Why Draupadi is an inspiration?

1. Draupadi is the first feminist of Indian Mythology- that it all starts with woman power, self-belief and being confident, is what the lady knew right from the beginning. She was strong not because she was born strong but because she believed that she was strong.

What is the role of the woman Draupadi?

She was the common wife of the five Pandava brothers—Yudhishthira, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. She is described to be the most beautiful woman of her time and was prophesied to bring the end of many warriors. After Yudhishthira lost Draupadi in the game, she was humiliated by the Kauravas and abused by Karna.

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What is the relevance of Draupadi character today?

Patriachal Society Draupadi, an important character in the mythological epic Mahabharata might have lived in another era, but the fate she endured continues to befall numerous women in India and across the world even today. In the process they discover how closely their lives are a reflection of Draupadi’s life.

What can we learn from Draupadi?

In the end, Draupadi was abandoned by all her husbands and even her sons were not there on her journey. Hence, the only person who should depend on is yourself; gather your assets, control them and use them wisely when the time comes instead of expecting others to provide for you.

Is Draupadi educated?

Unlike many women in her era, Draupadi’s father, Drupada, allowed Draupadi to be educated. Bhawalkar comments on Draupadi’s education: “Drupada had engaged learned Brahmanas for the education of his sons. Draupadi also joined them and became an expert in Political Science” (Bhawalkar 3).

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How would you describe Draupadi?

“Draupadi was a devoted wife, chaste, religious minded and adhering to duty. Her integrity and fidelity were admirable. She was always careful to please her husbands, served not only them but even their wives” (Bhawalkar 142). Draupadi’s soft nature, however, did not render her submissive or soft- spoken.

Why Draupadi of Mahabharat is the ideal woman to follow?

We bring you, 8 reasons why Draupadi of Mahabharat is the ideal woman to follow and how women of today could learn a thing or two from her! The beautiful, virtuous and intelligent Draupadi, the real ‘heroine’ of Mahabharata, was a woman of substance.

Why is the story of Draupadi so interesting?

Draupadi’s story is not only interesting but also enriching to the reader about how she had to fight her odds out. She was attractive and impressive and she had a strong personality. 1.

Why is the Mahabharata so important to Indian history?

Indian history is replete with stories of great women, right from the Rishikas to modern CEOs. However, the women in the Mahabharata bring a unique dimension by being at the center of important turning points in the history of the Kuru lineage.

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Why did Draupadi vow not to wash her hair?

Draupadi surrendered herself to Krishna for help and Krishna did help her such that the Kauravas failed in their misadventure. And then Draupadi vows that she would not wash her hair until she first washes them with the blood of Dushashana and Duryodhana. This is nothing short of declaring a war.