
Can you be Buddhist and drink alcohol?

Can you be Buddhist and drink alcohol?

Despite the great variety of Buddhist traditions in different countries, Buddhism has generally not allowed alcohol intake since earliest times. The production and consumption of alcohol was known in the regions in which Buddhism arose long before the time of the Buddha.

Can you be Buddhist and still eat meat?

Vegetarianism. Five ethical teachings govern how Buddhists live. One of the teachings prohibits taking the life of any person or animal. On the other hand, other Buddhists consume meat and other animal products, as long as the animals aren’t slaughtered specifically for them.

What do Buddhists think about alcohol?

The Buddha, therefore, included the downside of intoxication in a duelwa sutra: “One is to refrain from drinking even a drop of alcohol and taking intoxicants because they are the cause of heedlessness. If any Buddhists succumb to the lure of intoxicating drinks, they shall not consider me as a teacher.”

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Why is meat forbidden in Buddhism?

Some Buddhists avoid meat consumption because of the first precept in Buddhism: “I undertake the precept to refrain from taking life”. Many Buddhist vegetarians also oppose meat-eating based on scriptural injunctions against flesh-eating recorded in Mahayana sutras.

Can a Buddhist smoke?

The large majority of monks feel that smoking is not an appropriate practice and that there should be a Buddhist law that recommends they do not smoke. Most monks, however, have little understanding of the specific detrimental effects smoking has on them, as well as the effects of second hand smoke.

Why can’t Buddhist eat garlic?

The five vegetables garlic, Allium chinense, asafoetida, shallot and mountain leek, are abstained from by some Buddhists because they excite the senses. Eaten raw they are claimed to cause distemper, and cooked are claimed to be aphrodisiacs. In each case this disturbs a peaceful mind.

Is Dalai Lama vegan?

The Dalai Lama, though, is non-vegetarian. An American journal had in 2010 quoted one of his aides as saying that the exiled Tibetan spiritual leader does a balancing act by adhering to a vegetarian diet in Dharamsala and having meat dishes when offered by his hosts elsewhere.

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What do Buddhists believe?

Buddhism is one of the world’s largest religions and originated 2,500 years ago in India. Buddhists believe that the human life is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment, or nirvana.

What does Dalai Lama eat?

What are the five poisons in Buddhism?

The five principal kleshas, which are sometimes called poisons, are attachment, aversion, ignorance, pride, and jealousy.

Can Buddhist monks eat meat?

This is a less common form of Buddhism, but some adherents to this school can not only eat meat, but also drink alcohol. You must abstain from alcohol in most Buddhist traditions. Many of the practices are only relevant for monks at the temple. For the most part, even monks in this tradition abstain from meat and alcohol.

Can you drink alcohol in Buddhism?

You can take a Buddhist vow to not take any intoxicants. If you do that, you will probably restrain from taking alcohol at all in your ordinary life. But still there may be situations where you take a bit, where it is part of what is expected – e.g. perhaps at a wedding ceremony or such.

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Can you drink alcohol and eat meat?

Drinking alcohol (whisky) and eating meat was a part of Tantric empowerments that I was lucky to attend. Teachings on emptiness tell us that on the absolute level all things have no intrinsic existence, everything is perfect and pure as it is and has nothing to do with good or bad.

What does Buddhism say about eating fish?

Vegetarianism in Buddhism. As noted above, in some of his sutras, the Buddha explicitly says that his followers are not to eat the flesh of a being with sentience. This is interpreted to mean that you do not eat the flesh or meat of any animal, including fish.