
Can you have Down syndrome without intellectual disability?

Can you have Down syndrome without intellectual disability?

The majority of children with Down Syndrome have mild to moderate intellectual disabilities. However while some show no sign of having an intellectual disability, others may have severe intellectual disabilities.

Can someone have Down syndrome and look normal?

People with mosaic Down syndrome have a mixture of cells. Some have two copies of chromosome 21, and some have three. Mosaic Down syndrome occurs in about 2 percent of all Down syndrome cases. People with mosaic Down syndrome often, but not always, have fewer symptoms of Down syndrome because some cells are normal.

Does Down syndrome always affect intelligence?

It is usually associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features. The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, equivalent to the mental ability of an eight- or nine-year-old child, but this can vary widely….

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Down syndrome
Deaths 26,500 (2015)

Can Down syndrome be very mild?

Each person with Down syndrome is an individual — intellectual and developmental problems may be mild, moderate or severe.

Can a person with Down syndrome have a genius IQ?

If someone with down syndrome can score logically higher on the IQ test than an average person. Then by evidence alone we can work towards a genius IQ score for someone with down syndrome. But still, I’m thinking that person would have to replicate extroverted thinking and introverted sensing utilizing their creativity/intuitive functions.

What are the health risks of Down syndrome?

& Individuals with Down syndrome have a higher risk of many conditions, including atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, some cancers, Alzheimer dementia, osteopenia, ophthalmic disorders, dysmenorrhea, and abuse; however, they do not, in general, receive the quality of care provided to the population without Down syndrome.

Do children with Down’s syndrome learn to walk?

All people with Down’s syndrome will have some degree of intellectual disability. Children with Down’s syndrome do learn to walk, talk and be toilet trained but in general will meet these developmental milestones later than their non-disabled peers.

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Do elderly people with Down syndrome have more mental health problems?

Elderly people with Down syndrome have fewer mental health problems than other people with intellectual disabilities. High psychological problem scores correspond with medical diagnoses of dementia ( Haveman et al., 1994 ).