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Is investment banking a dying profession?

Is investment banking a dying profession?

Investment banking itself is not dead. There will always be a need for the services that investment banks offer: M&A activity is starting to increase again after being flat for the last few years, and corporate investment is also expected to rise.

Will investment banking be replaced?

While there is likely to be a large amount of displacement, it is unlikely that robots will steal all the jobs in investment banking. This is especially true in the middle-market where deals are driven more by the emotion than bits and bytes.

Is banking still a good career?

Working in any aspect of banking can be very rewarding and fulfilling. Banking is a profession that offers a huge variety of opportunities as well as the possibility of early responsibility, rapid career progression, and good pay and benefits. For those willing to accept the challenge, the rewards can be great.

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What bank jobs pay the most?

13 Highest Paying Bank Jobs

  1. Credit Analyst: $48,840.
  2. Budget Analyst: $54,020.
  3. Internal Auditor: $60,000.
  4. Bank Manager: $61,209.
  5. Relationship Manager: $66,040.
  6. Asset Manager: $67,000.
  7. Equities Trader: $71,913.
  8. Fixed Income Analyst: $76,061.

Is investment banking not for You?

You managed to bluff your way through several rounds of interviews and a test or two on financial modeling, but you are far from being a wizard at Excel. Time management is also not your forte, and you have been guilty of procrastination on a few occasions. This means that investment banking is not for you.

Is investment banking a stressful career for You?

If you wilt and wither in such situations, you may need to consider a less stressful field than investment banking. 3. You Have a Relaxed Approach to Life If you don’t believe in getting needlessly stressed about anything—and that includes not getting stressed about work—investment banking is not the career for you.

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Do investment bankers work 9-to-5?

In response, a few major banks officially cut the number of hours worked by junior bankers. Nevertheless, in a competitive culture where putting in extra-long hours is regarded as a badge of honor, a 9-to-5 routine is pretty much unheard of. If you strive for a work-life balance, investment banking is not the field for you.

Is investment banking the right path for You?

But even if you possess the rare combination of education, experience, and enthusiasm that could land you a coveted investment banking gig at a bulge bracket firm, below are seven reasons why this may not be the right path for you. Even with education, experience, and enthusiasm, investment banking might not be for you.