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What is a Strats role?

What is a Strats role?

Strats refer to mathematicians, statisticians, computer scientists, and engineers who work in the financial services industry. In particular, strats are used to describe the mathematicians, statisticians, software developers, and engineers who work at investment banks.

Is Goldman Sachs harder to get into than Harvard?

Bagging a job at Goldman Sachs (GS)’ is a phenomenon rarer than receiving an acceptance letter from Harvard University. During a presentation in Miami Tuesday, the investing giant reported that roughly 3\% of its applicants, or 9,700 out of 313,000, secured a position in 2015.

What is it like to work at Goldman Sachs?

Goldman has a job that is in the middle of the traders and the quants, called a strategist. The strategist looks at the markets, comes up with new ideas, and then codes them up. They can push the pure math stuff to the quants, and the pure trading to the traders.

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Do you know about Goldman Sachs’ Strats group?

If you’re a quant or technologist and you haven’t heard of Goldman Sachs’ strats group, you’re probably living in a deep hole on the outskirts of civilisation. The Goldman strats group is huge and integral to the functioning of the firm – particularly since CIO Marty Chavez was handed control of both strats and technology two years ago.

What does a desk Strat do at Goldman Sachs?

Depending upon the project she’s working on, she might then log back in at night. Strats are a kind of hybrid between quantitative researchers and technologists and provide support to most divisions at Goldman. In the securities division, desk strats support traders.

Do junior investment bankers at Goldman Sachs work long hours?

It’s pretty much common knowledge that junior investment bankers work long hours, but if you’re a “strat” (read ‘strategist’) at somewhere like Goldman Sachs, can you expect to work long hours too? The answer appears to be (sometimes) yes, although as a strat you won’t be required to work into the night.

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