
Can we cause volcanic eruptions?

Can we cause volcanic eruptions?

Yes. Human activity can probably cause volcanic eruptions, albeit indirectly. Regardless, human activity affects volcanic disasters in several other ways.

Are nukes stronger than volcanoes?

A volcanic eruption can be immensely more powerful than a nuclear explosion, but nuclear explosions come in a vast range of powers typically less than 1KT to 50MT (although a 100MT bomb was claimed to exist during the cold war).

What triggers volcanic eruptions?

Volcanoes erupt when molten rock called magma rises to the surface. Magma is formed when the earth’s mantle melts. Melting may happen where tectonic plates are pulling apart or where one plate is pushed down under another. Magma is lighter than rock so rises towards the Earth’s surface.

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What would happen if you nuked the sun?

Absolutely nothing except we would be providing the Sun with more fuel. We would be providing more fuel since the Sun is a giagantic fusion reactor. Our nukes would provide hydrogen if its a fusion bomb or uranium if its a fission bomb which our Sun would consume in fraction of milliseconds.

What would happen if a nuke explodes in the ocean?

Unless it breaks the water surface while still a hot gas bubble, an underwater nuclear explosion leaves no trace at the surface but hot, radioactive water rising from below. This is always the case with explosions deeper than about 2,000 ft (610 m).

Can a volcano destroy the world?

Roughly every 100,000 years, there’s a supervolcano explosion somewhere in the world, the consequences of which can be fatal. If the volcano below Yellowstone National Park were to erupt, it would result in worldwide hunger and a volcanic winter (the cooling of the lower atmosphere).

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Can volcanic eruptions ever be controlled?

To date there have been no successful efforts to start, stop or reduce a volcanic eruption; however, the ideas exists and discussion is underway. Other techniques to control an eruption could include depressurization of the magma chamber or increasing the aperture of the vent to diffuse the energy of an eruption.

How can volcanic eruptions be prevented?

Protecting yourself during ashfall

  1. Stay inside, if possible, with windows and doors closed.
  2. Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants.
  3. Use goggles to protect your eyes.
  4. Exposure to ash can harm your health, particularly the respiratory (breathing) tract.
  5. Keep your car or truck engine switched off.

Can a nuclear bomb cause a volcano to erupt?

Answer Wiki. The power of nuclear weapons usually not enough to induce volcanic eruption, since they are pounding only the surface. IF the magma chamber is loaded, and the volcano is ready to erupt, a detonation deep below the surface could cause some fissure to initiate earlier the eruption, but the probability is low.

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What can cause a volcano to erupt?

The only thing that can cause a volcanic eruption is for there to be enough magmatic pressure and/or entrained gas pressure to force the existing (and ready) magma supply upward through any available gaps in the rocks above the magma seeking an outlet. A nuclear weapon could be used to cause a volcanic eruption cause that’s what caused 9/11.

Are nuclear weapons more powerful than natural disasters?

Yes, nuclear weapons are very powerful, and are used to create very large explosions, but in comparison to extreme natural events like earthquakes, huge cyclonic storms, volcanoes and such, they are pinpriks. They release all of their energy in a very short span of time, and in a relatively small volume.
