
Can you compose music without knowing music theory?

Can you compose music without knowing music theory?

So, Can You Compose Without Theory? Technically yes – if for instance you surround yourself with very competent musicians that can transcribe what you sing, find the chords to that melody, create the sounds that you have in mind, etc… then yes, you can definitely compose without knowing theory.

How could Beethoven compose when he was deaf?

When his hearing was only mildly impaired, he would use ear trumpets to compose at the piano. He would also use a wooden stick between his teeth to feel the vibrations when he played.

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Did composing come easily for Beethoven?

The fact that Beethoven did not make it easy on himself while composing was something the music world learned only after his death in 1827.

Is music theory important for composing?

Music theory is helpful for every kind of music major. It allows composers to analyze the work of other composers so they can develop their own style. It allows music education majors to read the score and figure out where the brass section has an incorrect note written.

How many pieces did Beethoven compose while deaf?

As his hearing failed, he began to use the lower notes that he could hear more clearly. Works including the Moonlight Sonata, his only opera Fidelio and six symphonies were written during this period.

How many pieces did Beethoven compose?

722 works
Recognised as one of the greatest and most influential composers of the Western classical tradition, he defied the onset of deafness from the age of 28 to produce an output that encompasses 722 works, including 9 symphonies, 35 piano sonatas and 16 string quartets.

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What is the importance of learning the elements of music?

Performing/analysing Music – An understanding of the musical elements will enable you to understand any piece of music, whether you are trying to perform the piece or analyse it.

What is the importance in learning music notation?

Musical notation gives the same information to a musical performer: it tells her what notes to play, how fast or slow to play them, and perhaps instructions about dynamics or timbre. Both the theatrical script and the musical score are, at their core, forms of communication.

Who are the most important classical composers of all time?

From the hundreds of classical music composers working in the Western tradition during the last 600 years, we list 10 that are generally regarded as the most essential composers to know, including Beethoven, Bach, Mozart, Wagner, and more.

Are there any boring/mediocre composers?

There are plenty of boring/mediocre ‘classical’ composers & music even though the composers/critics may think it’s not, yet when you ask someone who is the best composer the same names usually come out. Why?

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Do composers need theory to write music?

One point I would make in addition to slim’s excellent answer is that theory is more to explain composition, not dictate it. In other words, talented composers write the music they do because they are translating what they ‘hear’ internally, not because the rules of music theory tell them that this is ‘right’.

Why do people like classical music so much?

Classical composers are just extraordinaire especially from centuries back because of the technology they had to work with and also because some symphonies have dozens of different instrument in different keys and voices! It is rather insane when you think about it, but obviously doable.