Useful tips

How is music composed?

How is music composed?

Musical composition is the process of making or forming a piece of music by combining the parts, or elements of music. Composing isn’t about being totally unique. The search for ever more novelty has lead to a lot of incomprehensible music. It’s also not about just copying the past.

How do composers write songs for musical?

For some musical theater composers, a completed song might consist of just a piano sketch with chords, melody, harmony, and rhythm—leaving more elaborate instrumentation to the show’s orchestrator. For others, a completed song might be a fully realized score for a specific and intentional set of instruments and voices.

How do composers write music for instruments they don’t play?

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By understanding how notes together create consonance and dissonance, it’s possible to compose some music without even playing, but to do this effectively most composers trained their ears to hear pitches, or at least to hear intervals( examples hearing a C note or a major third in a song).

How did song composers create their works?

Some composers prefer to improvise their compositions, writing freely and letting ideas flow. Other composers prefer to write down specific themes, and then let their subconscious come back to them later. In fact, they are really just ways of generating ideas. Generating ideas is only one step in the process.

Do composers need theory to write music?

One point I would make in addition to slim’s excellent answer is that theory is more to explain composition, not dictate it. In other words, talented composers write the music they do because they are translating what they ‘hear’ internally, not because the rules of music theory tell them that this is ‘right’.

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Why do people like classical music so much?

Classical composers are just extraordinaire especially from centuries back because of the technology they had to work with and also because some symphonies have dozens of different instrument in different keys and voices! It is rather insane when you think about it, but obviously doable.

Are there any boring/mediocre composers?

There are plenty of boring/mediocre ‘classical’ composers & music even though the composers/critics may think it’s not, yet when you ask someone who is the best composer the same names usually come out. Why?

What is the difference between Baroque and classical music?

Classical composers sought a lighter style than the Baroque, consisting of melody above chordal accompaniment, and using a variety of keys, rhythms, and dynamics. Classical composers began emerging around 1730, especially through Gluck’s transformation of opera.