
What was one problem with the Roman army?

What was one problem with the Roman army?

The army did not provide much social mobility, and it also took quite some time to complete one’s service. The pay was not the best for the time but could be remedied by advance in rank, loot from wars, and additional pay from emperors.

Why did most kings not keep standing armies?

It was hard to keep barons under control and did not have enough wealth to keep an army. Why did most kings not keep standing armies? The Barons. He had about 120 barons, so each provided the king with a possible army of 5,000 men.

Did the Romans have a standing army?

The early Roman army was based on a compulsory levy from adult male citizens which was held at the start of each campaigning season, in those years that war was declared. There were no standing or professional forces.

What were some of the reasons the Roman army was so successful?

This training combined with having the most advanced equipment at the time made the Roman army really powerful. The Roman army had many weapons and tactics that other armies hadn’t even heard of before! They would use huge catapults which were able to fling rocks over distances of several hundred meters.

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Why did armies stop using Roman tactics?

Originally Answered: Why did no Medieval army adopt ancient Roman tactics? Because many of their tactics were lost or not effective. For example empires with massive armies were replaced with castles in many places. Knights in horseback were more effective then a soldier sitting behind a shield.

When did standing armies become a thing?

Organized warfare began around 3000 BCE and, by about 2250BCE, the Sargon of Agade – the first great conqueror of the Sumerian cities of Mesopotamia – is generally believed to have formed the first standing (permanent) army of some 100,000 soldiers.

What do you mean by standing army?

Definition of standing army : a permanent army of paid soldiers.