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How do you lower your controversy in Mount and Blade Warband?

How do you lower your controversy in Mount and Blade Warband?

If you face war on multiple fronts or have a large kingdom to defend, you can expect to reach near 100 controversy very quickly. The only solution is to give up being marshall in that case….You lose controversy by:

  1. Defeating enemies.
  2. Resolving disputes between vassals.
  3. Over Time.

How do I keep my vassals weak?

The two most important ways of doing this is keeping your vassals the same culture as you, and keeping them the same religion as you. This lets you avoid the large ‘foreigner’ penalties, and you get -15\% risk of rebellion for each.

How do you deal with factions against you ck3?

The final solution to dissolving factions is simple: crush them. Let them declare war and simply beat them into submission. Then immediately afterward, make “arrangements” to replace these vassals with people the ruler can actually trust.

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What causes mount and blade controversy?

When a village of your own kingdom is being plundered, you have to try to stop it. If you fail, ou gain a little controversy. It means that the lords and king/sultan/khan will think you’re not the right man to be the marshall. If a town/castle of your own liege is captured, you gain a load of controversy.

What does right to rule mean in Mount and Blade?

Right to rule is the amount of respect points you have. This is used when you are founding your own kingdom, and it only appears in Warband. The higher your right to rule is, the more likely lords will be to see you as the real king and even join you.

How much renown do you need for vassal?

You need 150 renown to become a vassal and it may seem like a huge amount at first, but trust us it’ll go by quick. Looters may only provide one or two renown per fight, but fights against enemy armies of one hundred plus units can provide almost ten renown! And those battles happen all the time when you’re at war!

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How do I stop my vassals from revolting?

To prevent sizable rebellions, you have one primary goal: Prevent your vassals from having more power than you. This is achieved in multiple ways. First, you have to keep yourself strong. Second, you don’t want your vassals to hold a lot of titles.

How do you deal with factions against you CK3?

Why do vassals join factions ck3?

This also includes switching to or joining a different kind than they want to be in. An example of this will be Liberty, where if there is not enough support for it, Vassals may join a Claimant Faction because they will be more likely to influence them than you, thus reducing Crown Authority in a roundabout way.

What is the difference between Mount&Blade and Warband?

In Warband, the player can create their own kingdom and give vassalage to their companions, thus allowing them to have their own army. All vassals held the title of “Lord” in classic Mount&Blade, however Warband gave the various factions different titles.

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How do fiefs work with vassals?

Every time you award a Fief to a lord, that vassal gains 10 rep, and all others lose 2 points. However, if you have five lords and give two fiefs each, that’s +20 for awarding -16 penalty for a +4 gain. You count as a lord when you award to yourself as well.

Do vassals get jealous of each other?

They get jealous if your vassels aren’t kept roughly equal in awards. I never grant castles or towns to vassals cause it breeds too much jealous, just assign them 1 fief per lord in order of renown until all the lords are equal and then keep the rest for yourself to dole out as more lords defect to your side.

Should I hire a Lord with a fief?

Avoid hiring Lords that you cant award fiefs too. Each day lord without fiefs will lose -5 points per day unless the king-lord relationship is at 75. Yea, all my vassals have a fief (or even more than one for that matter) but my relation with them keeps going down.