
Can you eliminate factions Warband?

Can you eliminate factions Warband?

A faction will be eliminated when you capture all of their castles and towns. Usually the faction will linger around for a while with their lords possessing very small parties.

How do you declare war on a fief?

Houses that wish to declare war against a fief must be of a higher level than the fief in question and have Prestige exceeding the amount necessary for that fief. The requirements to declare war against a fief will increase with its level and is also affected by its type (villages, cities, or forts).

Can you become king of a faction in Mount and Blade Warband?

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Becoming the King In order to become king/queen, you must found your own kingdom, by capturing a fief while unaligned, rebelling as a Vassal when a fief is denied to you, or getting your husband/wife to help you start one.

What is Calradia?

Calradia is a fictional continent and the main setting in the mainline entries of the Mount&Blade series. There are five factions in the original Mount&Blade and six in Mount&Blade: Warband, each with a ruler, a claimant, twenty vassals and a collection of fiefs that make up each faction’s region.

How do you declare war on other factions in Mount and Blade Warband?

1 Answer. You can talk to your minister to send an envoy, who’s gonna declare a political war on your enemy. “By talking to this minister you can conduct many different affairs of state. Diplomats can be dispatched to the other factions, performing such actions as declaring war…”

How do you declare war in Mount and Blade 2?

How to Declare War in Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

  1. Make sure that your own city is close enough to the faction you wish to attack.
  2. Raid any village or caravan that is close to the castle or city with the garrison you wish to go to war with.
  3. Allow the enemy kingdom to attack your city.
  4. Start the war.
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Do you age in Mount and Blade Warband?

In character customization there is only a bar for your characters age with no definitive number to see exactly how old he/she is.

Why do factions always declare war on You?

There are two main reasons why factions will declare war on you. (They also occasionally declare war randomly.) There is an uncommon quest where a noble will ask you to provoke an AI faction. I don’t remember the exact wording, but it’s something like “This peace with [Faction X] suits me poorly. Let’s go raid one of their villages/caravans.”

How do you get a kingdom to declare war on You?

Usually it should be the first town that was held by you. If you have ONLY castles, then it should be the first castle captured by you. 2. Look for a minister inside the castle, talk to him 3. When talking to the minister, theres an option to send an emissary to a specific kingdom either declare war or requesting truce.

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Is 100 damage enough to start my own faction?

After you have taken your first holding everything should run without further explanation. Because you can only loot a village when you are on its nation’s badside. I don’t think 100 will be enough for starting your own faction unless you’re on newb settings 1/4 damage and 1/2 to friends.

How do I avoid war with other nations?

Rebelling against your king to form your own nation while keeping your vassals will almost certainly cause war unless you have a particularly good relationship. In general, having good relations with nobles makes their nation less likely to declare war, while having bad relations makes it more likely.