
Can Eonwe defeat Sauron?

Can Eonwe defeat Sauron?

Yes, Manwë could easily crush Sauron, but Sauron likely wouldn’t even dare to fight, he would more likely surrender rather than trying to do something as stupid as fight the most powerful being in the Legendarium (besides Eru and Melkor). Never understiamte Manwë Súlimo.

Did the istari fail?

Eru Illuvatar deemed the Istari a failure, though he still held out hope, and thus with his blessing did Gandalf return once more, empowered to act with greater majesty in times of need.

Who would win Sauron or Gandalf?

Sauron was both physically and magically stronger than Gandalf. Gandalf had a hard time with the Balrog, and Sauron is much stronger than the Balrog. Gandalf was even afraid to use the palantír, though Aragorn was not.

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How strong is Tulkas?

Tulkas was so strong and quick that he needed no weapon or steed. He delighted in deeds of prowess and strength such as wrestling and fighting. But he was not dreadful; he laughed loudly in sport and war and his anger dispelled darkness and clouds. He was a hardy friend and slow to wrath, but also slow to forgive.

Can Gandalf turn into a Balrog?

No he could not. In fact, I doubt that Gandalf could transform himself into anything at all. As an Istar Gandalf was bound to his physical human form. As a result, unlike other unbound Maia, Gandalf was unable to take on and cast off physical forms at will.

What happened to Radagast in Lord of the Rings?

In the movie, Radagast fades out of the story between The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring, simply because they hadn’t added him to their ensemble when the first trilogy came out. In the books, Radagast is actually sent by Saruman to get Gandalf to come to Isengard so that Saruman can trap him.

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Why didn’t the Istari use all of their powers?

The Istari were sent to Middle Earth to counter-balance Sauron but they were forbidden to utilize all of their powers. Like Sauron, they were Maiar that took human form, but they didn’t fully remember their past and somehow knew internally their restrictions on use of force.

What would have happened if the Istari defeated Sauron?

Had the Istari defeated Sauron, the peoples of Middle Earth would have been weak and would easily have fallen for the hog-wash of another like Sauron. The gods hoped that fighting his evil would make them want good not evil. Save up to 80\% on your next printer ink cartridges!

Who were the Istari in The Hobbit?

The Istari were a group of Maia that were sent over by the Valar to fight against Sauron. It consisted of Gandalf, Saruman, Radagast, and two blue wizards. All of the wizards and Sauron were Maia, but Sauron was not an Istari.

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How many Maiar would it take to defeat Sauron?

It may be 5 maiar against 1 but Sauron was very powerful at his strongest. The Istari weren’t sent as warriors and much of their power was concealed, leaving them with only small amounts of power to use through their staff. Remember that not all maiar were skilled in battle. There were different types of maiar.