
What does fire oth mean?

What does fire oth mean?

Other Than Honorable (characterization of US military discharge) OTH.

What do you do when you lose everything in a fire?

Contact your local disaster relief service, such as the ARC or the Salvation Army. They will help you find food, clothing, medicine and a place to stay. You have a big job ahead of you. Get plenty of rest, and ask for help.

When a fire is too large to fight on your way out of the building you should?

LEAVE THE BUILDING. Try to rescue others only if you can do so safely. Move away from the building and out of the way of the fire department. Don’t go back into the building until the fire department says it is safe to do so.

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What are the things you need to do if you are trapped in a burning establishment?

  1. If your trying to escape a fire, never open a closed door without feeling it first.
  2. If trapped, look for a nearby phone and call the fire department, giving them your exact location.
  3. If breathing becomes difficult, try to ventilate the room, but don’t wait for an emergency to discover that a window can’t be opened.

What are fireman called?

Male firefighters are sometimes referred to as fireman (and, less commonly, a female firefighter as firewoman). The fire service, also known in some countries as the fire brigade or fire department, is one of the three main emergency services.

Can you sleep in a house after a fire?

It is dangerous to sleep in a house after a fire, regardless of how small or big the fire was. Even if the fire is contained in one room, smoke particles easily spread to other parts of the house, and they linger on after the fire is put out.

What are the 2 golden rules when fighting a fire?

In the event of a fire or other emergency, remember four golden rules:

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  • Emergency Services: Call no matter how small.
  • Save these numbers on your cell phone:
  • Extinguish: Only try to extinguish if safe to do so.
  • Fire Action!
  • * Using a Fire Extinguisher.
  • P – Pull the pin.
  • When fighting a fire you should aim?

    You should aim the nozzle, hose or horn (on a CO2) at the base of any fire because this is where the fuel is, and this is the part you need to extinguish to stop the fire from continuing. If you simply aim at the flames you will not stop the fire permanently and your extinguisher will be empty before the fire is out.

    What does fire require to burn?

    Oxygen, heat, and fuel are frequently referred to as the “fire triangle.” Add in the fourth element, the chemical reaction, and you actually have a fire “tetrahedron.” The important thing to remember is: take any of these four things away, and you will not have a fire or the fire will be extinguished.

    What should you do if a fire starts?

    If a Fire Starts: 1 Know how to safely operate a fire extinguisher 2 Remember to GET OUT, STAY OUT and CALL 9-1-1 or your local emergency phone number. 3 Yell “Fire!” several times and go outside right away. 4 If closed doors or handles are warm or smoke blocks your primary escape route, use your second way out.

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    How many trucks did it take to put out the firehouse Fire?

    Ten fire trucks from other, nearby stations, had to put out the firehouse fire. Closer to home, also in 2009, a fire broke out in a Capitol Heights, Maryland fire station.

    How did the Bladensburg fire station catch fire?

    That same year, and also in Maryland (Largo, to be exact), the Bladensburg fire station caught fire when wiring inside the ladder truck went up in smoke. Illinois has had a few fire station fires as well. In Elwood on August 26, 1995, a fire station caught fire and burned to the ground.

    Are there any fire stations in Illinois?

    Illinois has had a few fire station fires as well. In Elwood on August 26, 1995, a fire station caught fire and burned to the ground. And in Fillmore, a tiny community southeast of Springfield, another fire station caught fire and burned to the ground.