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Who sent the Patronus in Prisoner of Azkaban?

Who sent the Patronus in Prisoner of Azkaban?

Evidence. In Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry, Hermione, and Sirius are saved from the Dementor’s Kiss by a Patronus, which some readers affirm wasn’t cast by Harry as the book would have you believe, but instead by Harry’s son, Albus Severus.

Why did the ministry change the time of Harry’s hearing?

Cornelius Fudge, then-Minister for Magic, was attempting to discredit Harry and Dumbledore’s claims about the return of Lord Voldemort, and so he changed the hearing to an earlier time (8 am) and a different location (Courtroom Ten) in the hopes of making Harry miss it, as well as trying Harry in front of the entire …

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When was the first time Harry cast a Patronus?

During a Quidditch match against Ravenclaw in 1994, he cast his very first corporeal Patronus, when several Slytherin students were impersonating Dementors.

How did Snape know to send the Patronus?

Phineas Nigellus’s portrait inside it overheard Hermione and reported that to Snape. After learning the Trio’s general whereabouts from Nigellus, it appears Snape sent the Patronus in the hope that Harry would see and follow it to where Snape hid the Sword in the pond.

Why did umbridge side with Voldemort?

The first theory is that she supported Voldemort’s message. You could compare it to any terror group, any rebellion, or anything of that kind, there will always be sympathisers. She was a Voldemort sympathiser, and agreed with his anti-muggle[born] and pro-pure blood agenda.

Was Harry expelled from Hogwarts?

What happens in the book: Before his fifth year at Hogwarts, Harry gets an official letter stating that he is expelled for performing magic outside the school. He is ordered to appear at a hearing at the Ministry of Magic. Pleading self-defense, Harry is cleared of the charges against him.

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What determines your Patronus?

No one can predict the corporeal form of their patronus beforehand. Usually, patronus cast by witches and wizards show their innate quality. In some cases, it represents those qualities that remain dormant in them until needed. Patronus can change over time.

Why did Harry Potter get in trouble for using his Patronus?

Closed 2 years ago. So in Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix, Harry gets in trouble for use his patronus. He was charged with performing underage magic inform of a Muggle. But that Muggle, Dudley, knew about magic.

Can you see Harry casting his Patronus the second time?

I’m pretty sure you can clearly see Harry casting the patronus second time. Harry’s patronus is a stag, Snape’s one is doe. – Yasskier

Who cast the first Patronus that saved Harry and Sirius?

There are three main pieces of evidence that prove Albus Severus was the one who cast the first Patronus that saved Harry and Sirius from the Dementors, so pull up a stiff-backed chair, have a biscuit, and let us tell you the facts.

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Who cast the first Patronus Charm in Harry Potter?

Albus is, therefore, the only one who could have cast the first Patronus Charm in an attempt to save everyone from the Dementors and himself from disappearing from history. Further evidence that proves it was Albus and not Harry who cast the first Patronus lies within the charm itself.