
Could there be dinosaurs at the bottom of the ocean?

Could there be dinosaurs at the bottom of the ocean?

There are no known aquatic dinosaurs. It would not be impossible for dinosaurs to evolve to live in water (though being air breathers they would not be able to live permanently deep underwater) just as whales evolved from mammals.

Could there be monsters in the deep ocean?

But scientists believe the world’s oceans are still hiding giant underwater creatures which have yet to be discovered. Marine ecologists have predicted there could be as many as 18 unknown species, with body lengths greater than 1.8 metres, still swimming in the great expanses of unexplored sea.

What monsters live at the bottom of the ocean?

  • Life In the Shadowy Depths. (Image credit: U.S. Antarctic Program Photo Library)
  • Alien-like Anglerfish. (Image credit: Theodore W.
  • “Spaghetti Monster” (Image credit: Screenshot, Live Science/SERPENT Project Youtube video)
  • “Ghost Fish”
  • Vampire Squid.
  • Eerie Anglerfish.
  • Giant Crustaceans.
  • Monstrous Megamouth Shark.
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Do Ocean dinosaurs still exist?

Thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago (along with the mass extinction of dinosaurs), the coelacanth (pronounced SEEL-uh-kanth) was rediscovered in 1938. The coelacanth is predicted to belong to a lineage that has been around for 360 million years and it is a fish unlike many others.

Was there a dinosaur that lived in the water?

Spinosaurus is the only dinosaur we know that spent time living in the water. Another dinosaur, Ceratosaurus, could probably swim and catch aquatic prey, such as fish and crocodiles.

Could sea serpents exist?

Although tales of sea serpents have continued to exist throughout the centuries, no animal has been captured so far that has not proved to belong to a previously well-known group.

What ancient creatures are still alive today?

Prehistoric Deep Sea Creatures That Are Still Alive Today

  • Jellyfish. Starting with the most common-sighted creature, jellyfish are another creature that has been around for millions of years – another 500 million, to be exact.
  • Horseshoe Crab.
  • Nautilus.
  • Coelacanth.
  • Lamprey.
  • Pygmy Right Whale.
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Do dinosaurs live in the ocean?

So, yes! Dinosaurs are all over the place. And many do live in the ocean (penguins for example) while many others spend a lot of their lives on islands or flying over the sea.

What are some examples of sea monsters?

Monstrous sharks, hyper carnivorous whales, sea lizards, crocodiles, and several others roamed the seas. Let’s take a look at the 10 fearsomely biggest water dinosaurs and sea monsters ever discovered in human history and prehistory.

Could a giant sea monster live at the bottom of Mariana Trench?

This giant sea monster could live at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. We take a look at the theory that a sea monster could live at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. The Mariana trench is one of the most mysterious places on the planet. The average depth of the ocean is about 12,100 feet.

Are there sea monsters in the deep?

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Tales of sea monsters and leviathans of the deep are apt to draw a snicker in today’s world. Thanks to modern science and marine biology we think we know what’s down there and what isn’t, and there are some good explanations for cryptids. Any mentions of squids large enough to sink a boat or sea serpents fifty feet long aren’t taken very seriously.