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Is it OK to give a second hand gift?

Is it OK to give a second hand gift?

Frugal shoppers often wonder if they can give a used item as a gift. The answer is yes, but there are caveats: The gift must be a good value or an heirloom, and the recipient must be OK with it.

Is it bad to give expensive gifts?

One study found that the more expensive a gift, the more givers expected recipients to appreciate it. But while givers thought spending more conveyed more thoughtfulness, receivers didn’t associate the price with their level of appreciation. The gift itself is what matters most.

Are second-hand toys OK?

Plastic used in some second-hand toys could pose a health risk for children as they don’t meet the most up-to-date safety guidelines, a study has found. Scientists tested 200 used plastic toys they found in nurseries, thrift shops and homes across England’s south-west for nine hazardous elements.

How do you disinfect used toys?

To kill bacteria and viruses on the surface, use a disinfecting wipe, an alcohol wipe, or dip a clean cloth in a mix of four teaspoons of chlorine bleach to one quart of water. Wring the cloth well and wipe the toy.

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Are vintage toys safe?

The developing brains and bodies of infants and young children are especially vulnerable to toxic exposure. In addition to parents giving vintage toys to their children, many older toys that may be contaminated are frequently found in daycares, church nurseries, and waiting rooms.

Is it OK to give away used stuff?

Before you give your stuff away, here are some things you should consider. Gift-giving is all about the other person, so the propriety of giving a used gift is really in the eye of the recipient, etiquette expert Judith Martin (“Miss Manners”) notes. For the right person, even old shoes could be appropriate.

Should you give a used gift?

Giving a used gift could be an excellent idea—it’s not only good for your wallet, it’s good for the environment too.

What is the etiquette of giving away things that you’ve used?

However, the etiquette of giving things that you’ve used is much like the etiquette of regifting (giving away unused and unwanted items): Some people are totally against it and dislike hand-me-downs, while others don’t mind at all and might even prefer it. Before you give your stuff away, here are some things you should consider.

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What are some things you should never give as a gift?

Things that require maintenance or added cost. Don’t give someone with a “dumb phone” your old smartphone unless you know he/she is ok with getting a data plan. A tank full of fish, a ficus tree, and other living things should also be carefully considered before you give them as gifts.