
Is it possible to be two Enneagram types?

Is it possible to be two Enneagram types?

Myth: All Enneagram numbers look the same For example, outside of the core Enneagram number, each person has wings, subtypes, integration lines, and more. The point being, it’s impossible for any two people to be exactly the same.

Can your Enneagram subtype change?

Can my subtype change? Yes! Unlike Enneagram type, which is consistent throughout life, subtypes can shift over time based on which survival instinct you need most. This can help explain why you felt like a different type at different times in your life!

What makes Enneagram 8 feel loved?

Type eights want to show their strengths, feel important, and dominate situations. You can love a type eight well by: Helping them feel strong and not controlling them. While controlling your partner is never healthy, be especially mindful of the ways you suggest things to your partner if they’re a type eight.

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How does an Enneagram 8 feel loved?

Type 8 individuals might not be the most outwardly emotional people, but they still fall just as hard in love as anyone else. Most of the time their way of expressing their love is by being supportive and helping their partner achieve their goals.

How do you interpret your Enneagram test results?

Here are some suggestions on how to interpret your Enneagram test results. For most people, it’s clear what your basic type is. If your highest score is much higher (3-4 points or more) than the rest of your scores, this is most likely your basic personality type.

What does it mean to be an Enneagram type 8?

for Enneagram Type Eights It goes against the grain, but act with self-restraint. You show true power when you forbear from asserting your will with others, even when you could. It is difficult for Eights, but learn to yield to others, at least occasionally.

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Where can I find misidentifications of the Enneagram 9 types?

Common misidentifications for all 9 types can be found here, and in our book Understanding the Enneagram (Houghton Mifflin, 2000), Chapter 6, p. 189-244. To distinguish between the nine types, see the Compatibility Combinations.

What is the highest score on a personality test?

In most cases, the highest score is your basic personality type; however, occasionally the basic type may be only two or three points higher than another type, or several types may be equal. There may also be other unusual results that we will discuss here briefly.