
How many committees of 3 men and 2 women can be formed from 7 men and 5 women?

How many committees of 3 men and 2 women can be formed from 7 men and 5 women?

350 ways
Out of 7 men, 3 men can be chosen in 7C3 ways and out of 5 women, 2 women can be chosen in 5C2 ways. Hence, the committee can be chosen in 7C3×5C2=350 ways.

How many committees can be formed from 7?

There are 7*6*5*4*3*2*1 ways to choose any group of 7, = 5040 ways.

How many different committees of 4 members can be formed from 8 persons if a particular man is to be on the committee?

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Committees of 4 people = C(8, 4) = 8!/4!. 4! = 70 .

How many more committees of 4 members will be formed from 6 people of the committees were formed with some order and randomly?

Thus, only 3 committees are possible.

How many committees of 5 people can be selected from 5 men and 8 women if the committee must have 3 men and 2 women?

Final answer: There are 525 different ways to create a committee.

How many ways can a 5 persons committee can be formed from a group of 7 men and 5 women if at least 3 men are part of the committee?

5! = 20 ways. 3! Required number of ways = (2520 x 20) = 50400.

How many committees can be formed?

So, there are 2300 different committees that can be formed.

How many committees can be formed from a group of 9 persons by taking any member at any time?

This gives 9×8×7×6 different committees, however this will include the same combinations of people. There are 4×3×2×1 ways in which 4 people can be chosen. 9×8×7×6×54×3×2×1=126 different committees.

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How many ways can a committee of 4 be chosen from 7?

Hence, a committee of 4 people be selected from a group of 7 people in 35 ways.

How many different committees of 4 members can be formed from a group with 7 seniors and 6 juniors if there are equal number of seniors and juniors in each committee?

The answer is 30 ways.

How many committees of 5 members can be chosen from a group of 9 persons when each committee must include 3 particular persons?

If they don’t serve we have c(9–2,5)=c(7,5) ways to form the committee. If they do serve on the committee we need to appoint 3 more people out of 7 which makes c(7,3).

How many different committees can be selected from 8 men and 10 women of a committee is composed of three men and three women?

So answer is 495.

How many committees can a group of 7 women form?

Of the 7 women available, we must choose 2. The number of possible groups is 7C2, which is 7! 2! × 5! = 21. Finally, each of the 56 possible sub-groups of only men could be paired with each of the 21 possible sub-groups of only women. That means the final number of possible committees is the product of these two values.

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How many different types of committees are there?

There are 1,176 different possible committees. Let’s break this down into the two sub-groups: one with men, and one with women. Of the 8 men available, we must choose 3. The number of possible groups is 8C3, which is 8! 3! × 5! = 56. Of the 7 women available, we must choose 2. The number of possible groups is 7C2, which is 7! 2! × 5! = 21.

How many ways to choose 2 men and 2 women?

So, there are 28 ways to choose 2 men and 28 ways to choose 2 women. This means that there is 282 = 784 ways to choose both 2 men and 2 women.