
Which is correct beauty and brains or beauty with brains?

Which is correct beauty and brains or beauty with brains?

Beauty with brains is the correct.

What is the most important beauty or intelligence?

In this modern era intelligence dominates beauty. Beauty alone will not be able to achieve success and lead a good professional life. At first, beauty will impress others but what stays is intelligence.

Is beauty and brains a compliment?

Labelling a woman ‘beauty with brains’ can never be seen as a compliment, because it limits, and stereotypes a woman. In that case, you make all intelligent women feel unattractive. …

What is the meaning of beauty with brains?

If someone is very beautiful and very intelligent at the same time it is apparently worth mentioning, so they invented the term ‘beauty with brains’. This is typically something for women, as it is much harder for a man to make a living out of being exceptionally good looking.

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What is correct Brains or brain?

Brain is singular and Brains is plural. So, in these two cases, we mean the organ inside our skull and the organs can be counted- so we should use singular/plural numbers.

Do we say brain or Brains?

If you are referring to the organ inside the skull, that is singular: “the brain.” “Brains” is an idiom that refers to intelligence, smartness. “She has brains” means she is a smart person. The word “smarts” is sometimes used the same way.

What is beauty and brain?

Beauty is a sentiment that emerges from the functional dialogue between the distributed networks of the sensory and association areas of the cerebral cortex, in conjunction with the activity of the emotional brain (the limbic system). But beauty can also be evoked beyond the sensory world in ideas.

Is Brains a correct word?

Brain is singular and Brains is plural. But when we say “Beauty with Brains”, obviously we do not mean a lady with more than one of that organ , we mean “intelligence” by “brain” here,right, and “intelligence” cannot be counted.

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Why do we say brains?

Originally Answered: why do they say in english “brains” in plural when we obviously refer to the cortex by itself? If you are referring to the organ inside the skull, that is singular: “the brain.” “Brains” is an idiom that refers to intelligence, smartness. “She has brains” means she is a smart person.

Is it better to be brainy or beautiful?

Brains are also universally accepted and acknowledged than beauty which is highly relative, subjective and debatable. So, in my opinion, you better be brainy than beautiful and in any case pursue brains than beauty. Free essay sample on the given topic “History Of Newspaper”.

Is it better to pursue beauty or brains?

On the other hand, brains will give you better leverage in the society than beauty. Brains are also universally accepted and acknowledged than beauty which is highly relative, subjective and debatable. So, in my opinion, you better be brainy than beautiful and in any case pursue brains than beauty.

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Should looks or brains come first in Your Life?

But the brains should always take precedence in your life rather than the looks. Beauty complements brains and each entity is incomplete without the other. Even for those people who earn their living through looks like models need a fair share of their brains to make it work. They need creativity and wisdom to stand out of the crowd.

What is the meaning of the phrase ‘brains and beauty’?

Therefore, the ‘brains’ in the phrase refers to ability to think and make informed decisions that show deep knowledge and wisdom. Beauty in this context refers to the people who value their appearance highly.