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How many ways can 6 people be selected out of 12?

How many ways can 6 people be selected out of 12?

Step-by-step explanation: This can be done in 12C5 ways.

How many ways can 3 people be chosen 10?

3! (10−3)! = 120.

How many ways can 6 people be selected from 13 people waiting?

Therefore 6 persons can stand in a queue in 720 ways.

How many ways are there to select 5 players from a 10 member tennis team to make a trip to a match at another school?

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252 ways
There are 252 ways to select a committee of five members from a group of 10 people.

How many ways can a committee of 6 be selected from a club of 10 members?

= 20 * 6 = 120 Ways.

How many ways can 3 people out of 5 people be chosen to serve on a committee?

So selection of 3 people out of 5 can be done in 5C3 ways.

How many ways can a committee of 5 people be chosen out of 9?

By multiplication rule, a committee of 5 people out of 9 people can be chosen in 9*8*7*6*5=3024 ways.

How many ways can 6 people be selected out of 13 people waiting in a interview Q If a specified person is always included?

How many ways can we select 6 peoples out of 10 peoples of which a particular person is always included?

Therefore the number of triangles = 20C3 – 5C3 = 1140-10 = 1130. 8. In how many ways can we select 6 people out of 10, of which a particular person is not included? Explanation: One particular person is not included we have to select 6 persons out of 9 which can be done in 9C6 ways.

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How many ways are there to select 5 players from 10 players?

Therefore, the number of ways of selecting a committee of 5 members from a group of 10 persons is 252.

How many ways can a committee of be selected from a club with members?

There are 252 ways to select a committee of five members from a group of 10 people.

How many ways can you pick 3 men and 3 ladies?

We have to pick 3 men from 6 available men and 3 ladies from 7 available ladies. Required number of ways = 6 C 3 * 7 C 3 = 20 * 35 = 700.

How to calculate the number of ways to select men?

Approach: Since, we have to take at least k men. Totals ways = Ways when ‘k’ men are selected + Ways when ‘k+1’ men are selected + … + when ‘n’ men are selected . // This code is contributed by 29AjayKumar.

How many steps does the man need to take to cross?

The man needs to take 6 steps to cross the river. He can do this in the following ways: Crossing the river by 6 unit steps = 1 way. Crossing the river by 4 unit steps and 1 double step = 5 C 1 = 5C4 = 5 ways. Crossing the river by 2 unit steps and 2 double steps = 4 C 2 = 6 ways.

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How many ways can you arrange 3 boys and 2 girls?

Number of ways to choose 2 girls out of 4 = 4 C 2 . Therefore, number of ways to choose the required groups = 7 C 3 * 4 C 2 = 35 * 6 = 210. Number of ways to arrange the 3 boys and 2 girls in a queue = 5! = 120.