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Is Canada working on a plan to become more sustainable?

Is Canada working on a plan to become more sustainable?

Canada is committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals at home and abroad. As Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in his address to the UN in September 2017, “the SDGs are as meaningful in Canada as they are everywhere else in the world.”

How long can Canada have the same prime minister?

A prime minister stays in office until they resign, die or are dismissed by the Governor General. Two prime ministers have died in office (Macdonald and Sir John Thompson).

What is Justin Trudeau known for?

listen), born December 25, 1971) is a Canadian politician who is the 23rd and current prime minister of Canada since November 2015 and the leader of the Liberal Party since April 2013. In 2006, he was appointed as chair of the Liberal Party’s Task Force on Youth Renewal. …

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How did Trudeau become prime minister?

He is the 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada. He is also the leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. He was elected leader on April 14, 2013. After leading his party to a majority government win in the 2015 federal election, Trudeau became the Prime Minister.

Is Canada eco friendly?

Canada is clean! Seventy-nine percent of Canada’s electricity comes from eco-friendly, non-greenhouse gas emitting sources. In the last five years, Canada installed more new wind energy generators as compared to all other forms of electricity.

How can Canada be more environmentally friendly?

These include reducing poverty and inequality, protecting biodiversity and water resources, building green infrastructure and making our production and consumption patterns more sustainable.

Who was the only female prime minister of Canada?

Kim Campbell

The Right Honourable Kim Campbell PC CC OBC QC
Campbell in 2012
19th Prime Minister of Canada
In office June 25, 1993 – November 4, 1993
Monarch Elizabeth II
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What is Canada’s president?

Justin Trudeau (born December 25, 1971) is Canada’s 23rd Prime Minister.

Do Canadians care about sustainability and the environment?

The Nielsen survey shows that while 67\% of Canadians are very or quite concerned about climate change/global warming, concern for other environmental issues are taking an even higher priority. And slightly more Canadians (68\%) are concerned about packaging waste.