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Are INTP and ISTP the same?

Are INTP and ISTP the same?

ISTPs and INTPs are very similar, which can help them better understand one another. ISTPs can help INTPs focus more on present experiences or facts, while INTPs can help ISTPs think about new ideas for the future.

Can I be ISTP and INTP?

Compatibility of ISTP and INTP. Because ISTP and INTP are similar in their personality traits, they are highly compatible, creating an easygoing relationship. They communicate similarly and share many values, while their differences serve to balance each other’s perspective.

How do I know if my INTP and ISTP is apart?

  1. An INTP is a theorist, an ISTP is a practitioner.
  2. an INTP focuses on what can go wrong, an ISTP focuses on how to make something work.
  3. an INTP is passive, an ISTP is active.
  4. an INTP has little to do at home, an ISTP has “golden hands”.

Which MBTI is most like INTP?

Bearing this in mind, looking from the MBTI partner compatibility perspective, the best INTP romantic matches are ENTJ, ENTP, or ESTJ. The first two personality types share the intuitive function, but they are natural leaders that love taking charge and take care of things that INTPs are naturally bad at.

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Which MBTI is similar to ISTP?

Based on complementing traits, the best match for the ISTP is the ESTJ or ENTJ, due to the combination of introverted thinking and extroverted thinking. However, in some cases, ESFJ can also be considered a high-quality match, despite the difference in feeling and thinking processing.

Are ISTP rare?

How rare is the ISTP personality type? The ISTP personality type is much more common among men than women. Among men, it is the third most common type in the population. Among women, it is the fourth rarest.

Who is similar to INTP?

Most similar to INTPs would be.

  • xNTP – INTP/ENTP (shares all four cognitive functions.
  • IxTP – INTP/ISTP (Both are systematic analysts.
  • INxP – INTP/INFP ( Both are analytical but in different ways, one tends towards objective pros and cons (Ti), the other tends towards a moral compass of right and wrong(Fi).