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What other planets have lightning?

What other planets have lightning?

Lightning is found all over the solar system. Spacecraft have detected extraterrestrial lightning strikes in the clouds of Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus.

What planet besides Earth has Thunderstorms?

Billions of miles away, incredibly powerful super storms ravage the solar system’s two largest planets: Saturn and Jupiter. Although you couldn’t stand on one of the planets to witness their incredible storms, you can view images of them that spacecraft have taken.

Which planet has the most lightning?

Saturn’s lightning: 10,000 times more powerful than Earth’s By observing radio emissions from the planet, Cassini was also able to ‘hear’ the storms discharging in the atmosphere.

Is there lightning on Venus?

The lightning on Venus is unique from that found on Earth, Jupiter and Saturn in that it is the only lightning known that is not associated with water clouds. Instead, on Venus, the lightning is associated with clouds of sulfuric acid.

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Does Mars have lightning?

The simple answer to that question is that yes, there will be some “lightning” on Mars during dust storms or other events with a lot of dust flying around, but it will not be anywhere near the scale of the storms seen on Earth.

Does Neptune have lightning?

Neptune has several cloud layers, including a high-altitude methane cloud, a H2S–NH3 layer, and deeper layers of water and ammonium hydrosulfide (NH4SH). Despite the presence of radio-frequency whistlers often associated with lightning, lightning has never been optically detected on Neptune.

Does Saturn have thunder?

Lightning discharges in Saturn’s atmosphere emit radio waves1 with intensities about 10,000 times stronger than those of their terrestrial counterparts2. These radio waves are the characteristic features of lightning from thunderstorms on Saturn, which last for days to months2.

Is there lightning on Saturn?

The energy output of the visible light from the lightning is comparable to the brightest lightning flashes on Earth. At Saturn, there are three types of clouds that might produce lightning.

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Is there dust on Mars?

While massive dust storms on Mars can have hurricane force winds, it won’t pack the same punch as it does on Earth. Mars’ dust is roughly the size and consistency of talcum powder, which gets suspended in the atmosphere and can almost completely block out the sun in massive dust storm.