Does gunpowder need air to ignite?

Does gunpowder need air to ignite?

Potassium nitrate, also known as ‘saltpetre’, or ‘saltpeter’, decomposes at high temperature to provide oxygen for the reaction. This means that gunpowder doesn’t need to be exposed to air to burn – and is why smothering fireworks won’t stop them burning!

Can fire burn in vacuum?

Fires can’t start in space itself because there is no oxygen – or indeed anything else – in a vacuum. Yet inside the confines of spacecraft, and freed from gravity, flames behave in strange and beautiful ways. They burn at cooler temperatures, in unfamiliar shapes and are powered by unusual chemistry.

Can gunpowder ignite under pressure?

Unlike a detonating explosive, it doesn’t detonate due to shockwaves. black powder spontaneously ignites at 200 degrees C. Therefore, if you put it in a closed container and increase the pressure sufficiently that the temperature rises to above 200C, then it will ignite.

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Does gunpowder need air explode?

Potassium nitrate is the most important part of gunpowder. A fuse is used to light the gunpowder, which ignites to send the firework skyward. Once the firework is in the air, more gunpowder inside it causes it to explode with a BANG!

What temp does black powder ignite?

approximately 500 °F
Black powder has an ignition temperature of approximately 500 °F and is federally regulated as a Class A Explosive.

Would a bullet travel forever in space?

Yes. Bullets carry their own oxidising agent in the explosive of the cartridge (which is sealed, anyway) so there’s no need for atmospheric oxygen to ignite the propellant. Once shot, the bullet will keep going forever, as the universe is expanding at a faster rate than the bullet will travel.

How does fire create vacuum?

The flame heats up the air on the inside, creating a higher pressure than the air on the outside. Therefore the air on the outside of the glass pushes with greater force on the water than the air on the inside so the water is able to get sucked back up into the glass!

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At what temp does gunpowder ignite?

Generally speaking, blackpowder will combust at around 450C. Smokeless powder generally requires between 160–200C to kindle on its own.

How does gunpowder explode without oxygen?

The oxygen comes from the sodium nitrate in the gunpowder, not the oxygen in the air, so the gunpowder works just dandy in vacuum.

Does smokeless powder burn differently than black powder?

Smokeless powder differs considerably in its burning characteristics from common “black powder.” Black powder burns essentially at the same rate out in the open (unconfined) as when in a gun. When ignited in an unconfined state, smokeless powder burns inefficiently with an orange-colored flame.

How do you increase the burning time of gunpowder?

Deviations from the ideal ratio given above are sometimes utilised to alter the burning behaviour of the mixture, and the addition of small amounts of water to the mixture can also be used to extend the burning time. The precise reactions of gunpowder are difficult to elucidate.

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What happens if smokeless powder is accidentally loaded to capacity?

If a small, tightly enclosed storage enclosure is loaded to capacity with containers of smokeless powder, the enclosure will expand or move outwards to release the gas pressure – if the powder in storage is accidentally ignited.

Do smokeless powders need oxygen from the air?

Oxygen from the air is not necessary for the combustion of smokeless powders since they contain sufficient built-in oxygen to burn completely, even in an enclosed space such as the chamber of a firearm. In effect, ignition occurs when the powder granules are heated above their ignition temperature. This can occur by exposing powder to: