
How does gunpowder ignite in a bullet?

How does gunpowder ignite in a bullet?

When you pull the trigger of a gun, a spring mechanism hammers a metal firing pin into the back end of the cartridge, igniting the small explosive charge in the primer. The primer then ignites the propellant—the main explosive that occupies about two thirds of a typical cartridge’s volume.

Does gunpowder need oxygen burning?

Potassium nitrate, also known as ‘saltpetre’, or ‘saltpeter’, decomposes at high temperature to provide oxygen for the reaction. This means that gunpowder doesn’t need to be exposed to air to burn – and is why smothering fireworks won’t stop them burning!

How does a bullet fire without oxygen?

Bullets carry their own oxidising agent in the explosive of the cartridge (which is sealed, anyway) so there’s no need for atmospheric oxygen to ignite the propellant.

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Can you shoot a gun underwater?

No, you should never fire a gun underwater. Depending on the type of gun, it is possible to fire underwater. Water is obviously more dense than air, when you try to fire bullets underwater, the weight of the water slows down the bullet making it lethal in just a few steps away unlike when you fire it above the surface.

Can gunpowder explode in space?

Fires can’t burn in the oxygen-free vacuum of space, but guns can shoot. Modern ammunition contains its own oxidizer, a chemical that will trigger the explosion of gunpowder, and thus the firing of a bullet, wherever you are in the universe.

Can gunpowder explode in an explosion?

A true explosion would be acetone peroxide or nitroglycerin. But gunpowder isn’t it true explosion it’s a rapid oxidation. Now that doesn’t say that you can’t cause an explosion using gunpowder. if you for instance were to contain gunpowder inside a metal pipe. like a pipe bomb there would be an explosion as the metal rupture to suddenly.

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How much pressure does it take for a bullet to explode?

It burns building up high levels of pressure ranging from 20,000 psi to over 60,000 psi. This pressure is sufficient to force t h.g e bullet out of the case, down the barrel and toward the target.

What is the purpose of carbon in gunpowder?

For the purpose of gunpowder, it provides a weak form of carbon (more accurately, carbon plus cellulose or unburnt wood) and other fuel for the reaction. Its purpose in gunpowder is to burn, pure and simple, and burn fast.

What is the function of sulfur in a gunpowder engine?

Sulfur serves to lower the temperature needed to ignite the gunpowder and thus, increases the rate of combustion. It serves a dual purpose acting somewhat as a cross between an ignition source and a fuel for the burn.