Useful tips

How did flak shells work?

How did flak shells work?

Flak as we know it ( the exploding ordinance variety ) works by using fuses. One may use a timed fuse in the shell. After so many seconds, the shell would detonate like a times bomb. Another, is a barometric fuse, a fuse that’s triggered when a certian altitude is reach by measuring air pressure.

Why was German 88 so good?

The 88 earned its reputation as the best overall gun of the war. It was justifiably feared by Allied airmen, tankers, and foot soldiers because of its accuracy, lethality, and versatility. The weapon was deployed on German tanks, as an antitank gun, an assault gun, and for antiaircraft purposes.

Why did anti-aircraft shells explode?

The proximity fuze, developed by the British in WW2, was a huge breakthrough. Each shell was equipped with a small RF oscillator that was powered up when it was fired, and if it came close to a metal mass that damped the oscillator it exploded.

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What was the range of the German 88mm gun?

8.8 cm Flak 18/36/37/41

8.8 cm Flak 18-36
Rate of fire 15–20 rpm
Muzzle velocity 840 m/s (2,690 ft/s)
Effective firing range 14,860 m (16,250 yd) ground target 8,000 m (26,000 ft) effective ceiling
Maximum firing range 9,900 m (32,500 ft) maximum ceiling

What was the best anti-aircraft gun ww2?

Flak 37
FHCAM – 88 mm Flak 37 Anti-Aircraft Gun. The “88” was the most famous and feared artillery weapon of World War II.

How did ww2 anti-aircraft guns work?

Anti-aircraft guns fire during World War II. Air defenders using timed fuses had to fire a lot of rounds to bring anything down. While flak and other timed-burst weapons could bring down planes, it typically took entire batteries firing at high rates to actually down anything.

Did Germany have proximity fuses in ww2?

This is what was considered as “advanced electronics” in Germany during WWII: Good luck building proximity fuze with them, trying to squeeze it into the shell, and making them survive initial acceleration when shell is fired.

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How high can an anti aircraft gun reach?

The heavy gun could propel its 20.25-pound high-explosive shell to altitudes beyond 30,000 feet at a rate of about 15 projectiles per minute. When an “88” shell hit directly, it often completely destroyed a bomber. The versatile gun earned nearly mythical status among Allied flyers, infantrymen, and tank crews.