
What is Schmegegge?

What is Schmegegge?

Definitions of schmegegge. (Yiddish) baloney; hot air; nonsense. synonyms: shmegegge. type of: bunk, hokum, meaninglessness, nonsense, nonsensicality. a message that seems to convey no meaning.

What does Zay Gezunt mean?

be healthy;
זײַ געזונט zay gezunt ‘be healthy; goodbye’ (to multiple addressees, or more formally: זײַט געזונט zayt gezunt)

What does Shmata mean?

A shmata is a rag, literally. By extension — as with most Yiddish words or expressions used in English — it can mean any informal garment. For decades, the garment industry itself was informally called the rag trade.

What does Tachles mean in Hebrew?

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Tachles is an Israeli slang word that comes from a Yiddish variation of the Hebrew word for essence or purpose – tachlit. Tachles is usually used to ask for directness or to ‘get to the point’, for example: ‘Tachles, I really don’t want to go out tonight’.

What is a schmiel?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Schlemiel (Yiddish: שלומיאל‎; sometimes spelled shlemiel or shlumiel) is a Yiddish term meaning “inept/incompetent person” or “fool”. It is a common archetype in Jewish humor, and so-called “schlemiel jokes” depict the schlemiel falling into unfortunate situations.

What does the word Fakakta mean?

Lousy, messed up, ridiculous.” (JPS) adj.

What does Tatala mean in Yiddish?

Little papa
Definitions. n. “‘ Little papa.’ A term of endearment for a little boy.

What does AZOY mean in Yiddish?

Older: Jews who are middle-aged and older.

What does cha mean in Hebrew?

The word is made up of two letters of the Hebrew alphabet – Chet ( ח‎) and Yod ( י‎), forming the word “chai”, meaning “alive”, or “living”.

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What do Yiddish and Hebrew have in common?

Interesting fact: In Yiddish, Hebrew is referred to as (aside from Hebreish), loshn koydish meaning “holy tongue” or “holy language.” So you’ll find a lot of common words between the two language, but as mentioned earlier the two are still their own language.

Can I learn Hebrew and Yiddish abroad?

Many programs which offer the chance to learn Hebrew and Yiddish abroad involve several intense weeks of language learning, where you learn a lot in a short time.

What are the best Yiddish words to know?

The 22 Best Yiddish Words to Know 1 Chutzpah — . Pronounced: KHOOTZ-pah, Origin: Yiddish, nerve, brazenness, presumption, extreme confidence. Pronounced:… 2 Kvetch . 3 Meshuggeneh . 4 Mishpocheh . Can also be used as a noun to mean any kind of food. Putz —A jerk, or a self-made fool, but this word… More

Where is Yiddish spoken in the United States?

For instance, Yiddish remains the majority language and first language of Hasidic (a sect of Ultra-Orthodox Judaism) communities in the United States, largely in the Crown Heights, Borough Park, and Williamsburg neighborhoods of Brooklyn and other parts of New York and New Jersey.