
Does the past present and future exist at the same time?

Does the past present and future exist at the same time?

Unlike a “flowing river”, time does not behave as we perceive it. Past, present and future they exist simultaneously, but in different dimensions. This thought has a basis in the theory of unified space and time, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915.

Can we remember the future?

We view memory as a record of events in the form of stored information in the brain; but depending on what events we are considering, this type of information could be a “memory” of the future as well as a memory of the past. However, it seems that it is not the case.

How does time exist?

Einstein’s general theory of relativity established time as a physical thing: it is part of space-time, the gravitational field produced by massive objects. The presence of mass warps space-time, with the result that time passes more slowly close to a massive body such as Earth.

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Does time travel actually exist?

While most of the people don’t believe of it existence, there are actually some proof of time travel that makes us think back and wondering if the time travel actually exists. Jump into different timeline to see how the world’s going to be in the next 5, 10, or even 20 years is something that interest so many people.

What is time travel according to Hawking?

According to Stephen Hawking, time travel is a concept of walking forward or backward to a different point in time, similar to moving through space. The point is in the concept of time travel we can move back to the past or jump to visit the future. Hawking said it is possible that people could time travel, jump over time and bend space-time.

How does time travel in space work?

Clocks in jets or in orbit record time more slowly than those on Earth, muon particles decay more slowly when falling, and the Michelson-Morley experiment confirmed length contraction and time dilation. Time travel means moving forward or backward to different points in time, much like you might move between different points in space.

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How many pieces of evidence prove time travel is real?

Plus, there’s the fact that the history of time travel in our culture has frequently strayed into the non-fiction – so long as you’re inclined to believe the possible crackpots that are discussing it – all of which adds up to some pretty compelling pieces of evidence that prove time travel is real. Ten, in fact.