
Do INFJs hate ISTJs?

Do INFJs hate ISTJs?

INFJs are not a great threat to ISTJs but geeky enough that you want to frown upon secretly. ISTJs are loyal to a boss or authorities while INFJs cannot stand being swayed by rules at the whim of the power. ISTJs hold a job for a long time where INFJs job-hop and later on end up a boss of his/her own.

Do ISTJs like INFJs?

ISTJs like INFJs for their ability to express/analyze/handle emotions. ISTJs also appreciate people who can stand for something, and INFJs can be as idealistic as they come. ISTJs like people who can commit and be dependable.

Are ISTJs good parents?

As parents, people with the Logistician personality type are often the most comfortable. Their sense of responsibility and honor blends well with a tradition that has been in place since time immemorial: to raise one’s children to be respected, contributing members of home and society.

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What do INFJs think of ISTJ?

The INFJ is usually more accepting of the ISTJ than the ISTJ is of the INFJ. The INFJ will recognize this in the ISTJ and may even sacrifice part of who they are in order to establish a stable relationship with the ISTJ, a draining process which will no doubt feel entirely inauthentic and wrong to the INFJ.

What do ISTJs think about?

If you know an ISTJ, what you’ll see is their auxiliary function, Extraverted Thinking (Te). The ISTJs thinking side allows them to remain objective and focused on the facts when a decision needs to be made. Because ISTJs are introverts, their dominant function, Introverted Sensing (Si) is hidden from plain view.

Are Infj good fathers?

The single INFJ father often can handle this job better than many would think. Being a single parent is always a difficult job, but the INFJ father can often provide their children with both warmth and stability. They will do their best to live up to their situation and will push hard to be the best parent they can be.

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Do INFJs get along with ISTJs?

INFJs are likely to trust ISTJs who show concern for INFJs’ feelings. INFJs need to feel safe and understood to build lasting connections. ISTJs will grow to trust INFJs who learn to be more direct and level-headed; INFJs should also allow ISTJs the independence they need to thrive.

Can an ISTJ and INFJ get along?

See how ISTJ s and INFJ s get along in this guide to ISTJ / INFJ relationships. If you’re an ISTJ in a relationship with an INFJ, discover how you’ll communicate, interact, and relate to each other in daily life.

What is the ISTJ father’s personality?

ISTJ fathers enjoy quietly watching and observing their children and noticing all the little details that make them unique. They may not always talk about their observations, but they store them away in their mind to reflect on later. They tend to take their responsibilities very seriously, and this often comes through in their work ethic.

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What is an INFJ personality type like?

People with an INFJ personality type tend to be determined, reserved, and altruistic in their behavior. They are idealists and are passionate about making the world a better place. They enjoy close relationships with a few people, but usually prefer working alone. (The Investigator )?

Do ISFJ fathers like to discipline their children?

They don’t really enjoy disciplining, but they believe it’s important to shape inward character. ISFJ fathers believe in having a quiet, yet intimate relationship with their children. They enjoy observing their children and noticing all their unique traits and strengths.