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What is a general rule about using a fork or a spoon?

What is a general rule about using a fork or a spoon?

The basic rule is: Utensils are placed in the order of use; that is, from the outside in. A second rule, with only a few exceptions, is: Forks go to the left of the plate, and knives and spoons go to the right. And finally, only set the table with utensils you will use. No soup; no soup spoon.

What if your dinner forks fall on the floor and you Cannot get the waiter waitress’s attention?

If you accidentally drop a knife or fork on the floor, leave it. The server will replace it for you.

What is proper silverware etiquette?

The first and basic rule to get you started is: Utensils are placed in the order of use; from the outside in. A second rule, with only a few exceptions, is: Forks go to the left of the plate, and knives and spoons go to the right. (The oyster fork is the only fork placed to the right of the setting if it will be used.)

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What is proper business dining etiquette?

Eating Your Meal Take a cue from the host, or the most senior in the table, where to sit yourself. Take your cue from the host, or the most senior in the table, when to begin eating. Keep elbows off the table while eating. Elbows on the table are acceptable in between meals.

How do you hold a fork and spoon correctly?

When a serving spoon and serving fork are presented together, the spoon is laid on the right ready to cut and lift and the fork on the left to steady and hold. The utensils are returned to the platter or serving bowl in the same position.

What is a serving fork and serving spoon used for?

Serving Fork and Serving Spoon. The serving fork and serving spoon measure approximately 9 to 10 inches and the utensils are used together or separately. As a set, the serving fork and serving spoon are used as tongs to serve food that requires two implements, such as a tossed salad or pasta.

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What is the difference between dessert fork and spoon?

dessert fork and dessert spoon. The dessert fork and dessert spoon (or dessert knife), are placed differently at formal and informal affairs. At a formal event, the dessert fork is laid on the left side of the plate, and the dessert spoon (or knife) is placed on the right side of the plate.

What is the outside in rule for utensils?

In most situations, following the “outside-in” rule will tell you which knife, fork, or spoon to use at the dinner table. Use utensils on the outside first and work your way inward with each new course that is served.