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What is a good plot for a movie?

What is a good plot for a movie?

The most important thing a plot must do is feel meaningful; in order for a plot to feel satisfying, it must ultimately arrive at some type of point, be it a thematic happening, character growth moment, emotional catharsis, or relieving of tension.

What are some good plot ideas?

Top 10 Story Ideas

  • Tell the story of a scar.
  • A group of children discover a dead body.
  • A young prodigy becomes orphaned.
  • A middle-aged woman discovers a ghost.
  • A woman who is deeply in love is crushed when her fiancé breaks up with her.
  • A talented young man’s deepest fear is holding his life back.

How do you come up with a good movie plot?

Follow these rules to ensure you have a good plot

  1. Plot Rule 1: Create a plot skeleton.
  2. Plot Rule 2: Flesh out your plot.
  3. Plot Rule 3: Bring your plot to a powerful resolution.
  4. Plot Rule 4: End your story at a natural stopping place.
  5. Plot Rule 5: Make sure your characters resolve conflicts on their own.
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How do you write a unique plot?

Story plots: 7 tips to be more original

  1. 1: Know common plot clichés within your genre.
  2. Combine the familiar to make something original.
  3. Know the 7 basic story plots and avoid their most unoriginal tendencies.
  4. Vary a familiar plot with unexpected subplots.
  5. Be guided by original novels within your genre.

What are some plot cliches?

Here are some of the most used short story clichés and why authors should stop using them:

  • It was all a dream/game/hallucination.
  • Non-human point-of-view twists.
  • Racial/cultural/genderstereotypes.
  • Evil human race.
  • “Little did he know.”
  • Trophy references.
  • Happily ever after.
  • “In the beginning…”

What are the elements of a good plot?

In The Write Structure, we talk about the six elements of plot: Exposition. At the beginning of the story, the exposition establishes characters and setting. Inciting Incident. The inciting incident is an event in a story that throws the main character into a challenging situation, upsetting the status quo and beginning the story’s movement, Rising action, or Progressive Complications.

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What are some good ideas for a short film?

Outdoor Activities. When thinking about how to create good contents for short films,you could decipher ideas from outdoor activities that you engage in.

  • Travel Time. Travelling can always bring you unexpected surprises.
  • A Transformation.
  • Share Your Opinions on a Topic.
  • What are the five main elements of a plot?

    The five main parts of a plot are: Introduction: introduces your characters and setting. Rising Action: the steps that lead to…. Climax/Conflict: all the sweet action happens here, due to the events occurring before. Falling Action: your characters work to solve the conflict. Resolution: this is how your story ends.

    What are some ideas for a scary story?

    Crazy Isn’t Enough. Motivation is always a factor in this respect.

  • Be Bad. Many successful horror stories are about secrets.
  • Involve Children. There is probably nothing more horrendous to a reader than involving children in some horrific scenario.
  • Think Weird. Horror story characters are sometimes just plain weird.